Agreement on Natural Resource Use
Marion Clawson
Berkeley, California May 1, 1986
Competition, ranging from moderate to severe, is the typical situation
for the use of almost all kinds of natural resources. There are
many kinds of natural resources, whether they be measured in physical,
biological, or economic terms; and they occur in many different
locations. In order for the qualities of nature to serve as resources
for people, they must be combined with labor, capital, and entrepreneurship.
When so combined, the natural resources can be and are used for
a wide variety of purposes.
The demand for natural resources grows out of many factors, of
which three are of prime importance: population, or the number of
persons who might wish to use the resource; income, or the ability
of potential users to acquire the resources they want; and technology,
or the means whereby the resources can be transformed to meet human
Due in major part to increased magnitude of each of these three
basic characteristics, the demand for natural resources in total
and for most kinds of natural resources is growing. The growth in
demand has varying impacts upon the resources and upon their suppliers.
Growing demand, for any goods or services, nearly always produces
some problems but it also nearly always provides some opportunities
for many persons and groups.
By and large, the growing demands for natural resources in this
country and in the world as a whole can be met. No disaster of resource
unavailability or even of excessive cost looms on the horizon. Thirty
years of intensive research at Resources for the Future has established
and reaffirmed this position. So does my careful reading of extensive
professional literature. There likely will be problems in natural
resource supply but they are problems of magnitudes and kinds which
can be met. Doomsayers and prophets of catastrophe have expounded
their views from time immemorial but thus far they have been proven
wrong. I am convinced that the initiative, intelligence, and effort
which have brought the world to its present state of relative wellbeing
will be adequate to keep us out of major trouble or to rescue us
if we do indeed encounter disasters.
Over the past few centuries, science and technology have reduced
the real cost of natural resources for the world as a whole and
surely for its economically more advanced countries. Even as demand
for resources has grown, the capacity to meet that demand has grown
even more. Through the ages there has been an increased availability
of natural resources to meet the needs and demands of people. There
is no single index to wellbeing of the world more significant than
the greatly increased life expectancy of babies at birth - now three
times or more that of 300 years ago.
But this growing demand for most or all natural resources does
mean increased competition for their use, and this in turn heightens
the importance of measures to resolve that competition.
Before I go further, I should emphasize that my discussion this
evening relates to privately- as well as to publicly-owned natural
resources. Competition for use of the latter often captures the
headlines but competition for use of privately-owned resources is
no less important and often no less keen. There are legal, political,
and other differences between publicly- and privately-owned resources
of similar physical characteristics, but the problems of competition
for use and the need for conflict resolution are closely similar
for each.
The potential uses of natural resources are great in their variety
and characteristics; it would take a full-scale report to simply
list and briefly describe all the possible uses of the many kinds
natural resources, and hence I cannot even attempt to do this tonight.
I simply wish to remind you of that great range and variety of uses,
and let you fill in the details.
Numerous relationships exist between possible rivals for use of
a particular natural resource. Sometimes different uses are wholly
compatible and there is essentially no competition between them.
Wilderness and watershed use of an area is one example. In other
instances, the potential uses are totally incompatible, and any
use for one purpose means no use at all for the other purpose. When
a tall office building or a shopping center is built, forestry on
the same land becomes impossible, for instance. In still other cases,
two greatly different uses may exist in reasonable accommodation
on the same area. We have all seen pumps extracting oil from fields
where crops were grown, for instance. I shall not attempt to list
or characterize all possible relationships among potential uses
of natural resources but merely wish to remind you that multiplicity
of relationships does exist.
Many different kinds of use of natural resources imply many different
kinds of natural resource users. Some users make a direct use of
the resource, as does a person or group enjoying outdoor recreation.
In other cases, the use is indirect of the products or outputs of
the natural resource, as a homeowner enjoying the comforts of his
or her home in which lumber and other forest products are embodied.
The competition among users or potential users of a natural resource
may be in terms of the kind of use - logging versus wilderness,
for example - or it may be between persons or groups who wish to
make the same or closely similar use of the resource. Every person
in the modern world is a user of natural resources in some form
and in some way, but some individuals use such resources more directly
or in larger quantities than do others. In this sense, everyone
is to a degree in competition with anyone else.
Major Avenues for Conflict Resolution
There are three major avenues for resolution of conflicting demands
for use of natural resources:
1. The market, where potential buyers and potential sellers meet
and compete, and arrive at bargains;
2. Legislation, accompanied by judicial decisions, where rights
to use and limitations on use of various natural resources are
spelled out in varying detail, and where incentives to encourage
certain uses are provided; and
3. Negotiation between the dominant parties or among all parties,
resulting in agreements which are then translated more or less
completely into action.
Each of these three major avenues for conflict resolution has its
particular characteristics; its strengths and virtues; and its limitations.
Each operates best under some circumstances and operates poorly
or not at all under other circumstances. None is perfect in all
situations. In my personal scale of values, there is nothing more
desirable about one of these approaches than about either of the
others. I view each pragmatically: how well can it operate in a
specific situation?
I wish now to examine in some detail each of these three major
avenues for conflict resolution, and then to consider the kinds
of information and the kinds of analysis needed for any one or any
combination of them to work effectively.
Market as a Mechanism for Conflict Resolution
Economists and some others make much of the market as a means of
organizing and directing economic and other human activities. A
large body of powerful theory has been built up by economists, based
on the existence and the operation of markets. One can describe
the ideal competitive market and then consider how far, in practice,
actual markets fall short of the ideal.
The ideal competitive market is a place where buyers and sellers
meet, either actually with their goods for trade and transfer, or
in communication to trade in defined goods which are physically
not present. The stock exchange and the grain exchange are examples
of markets where trading takes place but where the goods traded
are not physically present. Potential buyers and potential sellers
agree upon a price and other conditions of exchange, and then a
physical exchange actually takes place somewhere at some time, or
else they fail to agree and no exchange takes place.
When such a market exists and works perfectly, it has very great
strengths and advantages. The supplier or seller receives the highest
price for his product that anyone is willing to pay. At the same
time, the buyer obtains what he wants at the lowest price possible.
When it works this way, the market produces the greatest possible
social gain for the community and for the nation. Every productive
effort is fully rewarded and every need or want is fully satisfied
at the least cost. Over the decades many economists have described
the virtues of such competitive markets and there is surely no need
to elaborate on them tonight.
The market, when it operates in this ideal way, is impersonal in
the sense that the outcome of the process does not depend upon the
personalities of the sellers and buyers. Bids are made and accepted
or rejected in terms of the product and its desirabilities, not
in terms of the personalities of the actors. But this ideal market
is humane in the sense that no one is excluded or deprived because
of some personal or social trait. Each person is treated fairly,
though impersonally.
Before I consider the ways in which markets for natural resources
fall short of this ideal competitive market, let me describe briefly
some of the conditions that would be necessary if the market were
to function ideally. In the first place, there should be reasonably
good, though not necessarily perfect, information about the goods
or services offered - their characteristics, their quality, their
volume, etc. Such information should, ideally, be equally available
to all parties in the market. In the second place, there should
be many potential buyers and many potential sellers in the market,
so that no action by any single individual could have a major effect
upon transactions. If one person is not interested to buy at a particular
price, perhaps another person will be; and, similarly, if one potential
seller is not willing to trade at a particular price, perhaps another
will be. In the multiplicity of potential sellers and potential
buyers lies the protection against "sweetheart" deals
or dishonesty or rigged prices generally.
A third condition for this ideal competitive market is that the
seller can deliver and the buyer can accept goods or services of
known and defined quality. The seller must be prepared to describe
and defend his description of goods or services offered; the buyer
must be prepared to accept these defined goods and services. A fourth
and related condition is that freeloaders must be absent or at least
of known kinds and numbers. The buyer must have assurance that he
will actually receive what he agrees to pay for, and that no third
party can intervene to siphon off some of the goods or some of the
value. The natural resource may indeed produce some values which
are not traded without wrecking transactions, if those values are
known and defined. If those values are poorly defined the transaction
may go sour.
Merely listing the characteristics of the ideal competitive market
suggests, to anyone reasonably familiar with markets for natural
resources, some of the ways in which the actuality falls short of
the ideal. But let us review those shortcomings a little more fully.
In the first place, the requirement of a large number of potential
sellers and a large number of potential buyers is rarely met in
actual transactions of natural resource commodities and services.
For publicly-owned natural resources, there is but a single seller
- the government, whether federal, state, or local. There are typically
but a few possible buyers. Numerous studies have been made of stumpage
sales from national forests, or of grazing permits on national forests
or grazing districts, or of sales of coal or other mineral leases
from public land. Merely calling one of these transactions "competitive"
does not in the least make it truly competitive. There is oligopsony
and oligopoly instead of true competition. The nature of one's rivals,
if one considers bidding for stumpage or for a mineral lease, is
likely to be as important as, or more important than, the characteristics
of the product. While it is possible that something more nearly
resembling genuine competition could be stimulated for many public
land transactions, in fact true competition is often impossible.
Some of us oldtimers judge the naivete of newcomers by their unbridled
enthusiasm for competitive disposal of public lands or public resources.
But lack of numbers among either sellers or buyers or both is not
unique to public lands, because it exists for private lands also.
There are often only a very few potential developers for a tract
of land with commercial possibilities, for instance. A home builder
may have the choice among only a very few possible development tracts.
In all such cases, the small number of parties on each side of the
market is as important for private as for publicly-owned natural
In large part, this paucity of sellers and buyers arises out of
the locational characteristics of most natural resources. The buyer
of wheat on the grain exchange is not constrained by the fact that
some wheat comes from South Dakota and some from North Dakota, for
instance. But the buyer of a coal lease on federal land does not
want just any coal deposit; he wants the tract of land bordering
his own. Likewise, the timber processor wants stumpage not just
anywhere on any national forest, but stumpage in the drainage area
where he is operating; and so on, for nearly all uses of natural
resources. Even the family seeking outdoor recreation wants to go
to some specific place, not just to any place anywhere.
The ideal competitive market cannot deal at all, or cannot deal
easily, with some commodities or services which are not customarily
traded. For instance, water flowing off any area, whether publicly
or privately owned, is likely to have a value, especially in the
West, but such water is generally not traded, and often legally
cannot be traded. The same is true, to almost the same extent, with
wildlife. A landowner may charge for the privilege of hunting on
his land but he cannot charge for the taking of wild animals. Clean
air may have a value but it is most difficult to sell units of clean
air. I think we could go a great deal farther in making some outputs
of land salable in the market than we have, but even I admit that
it would be most difficult to make all natural resource outputs
freely traded in open markets. The legal and conceptual difficulties
are less severe, in my judgment, than the public attitudes which
would have to be overcome if some kinds of products and services
were to be placed in the open market. While such attitudes are more
common for publicly-owned than for privately-owned natural resources,
they are not absent from the latter.
Closely related to this matter of lack of trading of some goods
and services in the market is the fact that in many cases neither
the buyer nor the seller can guarantee delivery or, to put it differently,
can guarantee no unexpected freeloading. The existence of externalities
has been widely noted and need not be explored fully here. Some
persons make decisions, others bear the consequences or reap the
benefits, in each case without bearing the costs. My neighbor's
beautiful garden provides me with pleasure at no cost to me, for
instance. But many persons are unaware bow common and how serious
is trespass, or the unauthorized, illegal, and unwanted use of land
and other resources by someone other than the owner. In a state
where most of the marijuana is grown in trespass on public land,
I should not have to dwell long on the seriousness of the trespass
But the greatest limitation of the competitive market for natural
resources is that the electorate and the elected representatives
simply will not let the market operate. By legislation and in other
ways, the operations of the market are severely restrained. Sometimes
the restraint is fatal to the operation of any market; sometimes
it is onerous but not fatal. Some people, including some economists,
talk about "market failure"; generally it is not failure,
for the market could produce a result. It is far more accurate to
speak of market repudiation - people simply do not wish to accept
the result which the market will produce. There is no country in
the world today where the market in land is completely free - in
every country, limitations of various kinds are placed on a competitive
market in land.
While the limitations on markets in natural resources are typically
governmentally imposed, as I shall discuss in a few moments, there
are other limitations also. Creditors may impose conditions on land
use or on mineral development or on other natural resource use.
The public may seek to exert its will through publicity - anyone
who proposes to tear down a structure for which historic values
are claimed will quickly discover that he or she is not free to
do exactly what he or she proposed with private property. Society
as a whole has asserted, in many ways, some degree of control or
at least of influence over the use of natural resources, private
as well as public. "Ownership" is coming to mean something
different than it once did.
Legislative and Judicial Processes
Dissatisfaction and disillusionment with market processes for resolution
of conflicts over natural resource use have led to large-scale reliance
on legislative and judicial processes in recent years. A hundred
years ago in the United States there were only a few legal and social
controls on natural resource use. An owner could do almost anything
he or she chose with the resource owned. Beginning with fence laws,
weed control laws, and irrigation district laws applicable to rural
areas, the movement toward societal control of natural resource
use proceeded from the latter 19th Century until the New Deal. Urban
planning about the time of World War 1, national forests and national
parks, and various forms of incentives for resource use such as
roads and research, each involved governmental intervention in an
otherwise private economy. In recent years numerous laws about the
environment have constrained the use of privately-owned natural
resources, while other laws have provided substantial financial
incentives to other resource users.
At the best, laws express the public will on some matters. The
political contest replaces the market as the arena within which
decisions are made. Lobbying replaces price bidding. The decisions
in the political arena on one issue may be greatly influenced, if
nor wholly decided, by political positions and alliances on wholly
different issues. In the political arena, as in the market, compromises,
alliances, and manuevers are common.
In the market, dollars compete with dollars. The desires of individuals
are weighted according to the economic strength of the contestants.
In the political arena legislation is affected by the political
strength of the parties, which in the ultimate case rests upon the
votes of the electorate. Instead of one dollar equaling one dollar,
as in the market, in the political arena one person equals one person.
Both dollars and voters can, of course, be manipulated or managed
to achieve desired ends. Economic power translates into political
power, and vice versa, but only incompletely and often with results
different from what one might have expected.
Legislation may affect natural resource use in three different
major ways: (1) by direct public action, as when the government
builds a dam or manages forest land; (2) by restrictions on private
action, as when the government imposes air quality controls or specifies
well-spacing distances upon private oil development; and (3) by
subsidies to encourage desired private action, such as crop diversion
payments. Each, but especially the latter, may take one or more
of numerous specific forms.
Discussion of legislative and judicial action often focuses, upon
federal laws and courts, but in fact both states and local, governments
employ both legislative and judicial processes to influence if not
control private use of privately-owned natural resources. Direct
land use controls have traditionally been the, province of cities
and counties, for instance. But local governments provide many public
services to privately-owned natural resource areas and uses.
If there is legislation, there must be courts to interpret die,
laws in specific cases. The courts, at least in theory, provide
protection against arbitrary or discriminatory action on the part
of public officials and also against aggrandizement by private parties.
In the United States in recent decades the existence of a, problem
has nearly always been followed by a demand for governmental action,
which in turn requires laws and appropriations. But the enthusiasm
for government action is often matched, especially in very recent
years, by a desire to "get the government off our backs."
Increasingly it is recognized that governmental, action is not a
foolproof panacea for all ills.
The legislative-judicial route to resolution of conflicts over,
natural resource use has several severe shortcomings:
In the first place, laws and the judicial process are often inflexible
and not easily adaptable to individual cases. No matter how carefully
and sensitively drawn, laws typically will not fit well in some
cases. Both the drafting of laws and the interpretation of laws
by the courts have often been insensitive to scientific information.
There have been cases in both legislative and judicial processes
where decisions were made completely contrary to the best existing
scientific information. At their worst, laws in actual application
can be arbitrary and even silly.
The adversary process and approach of the courts often does not
or cannot consider alternatives other than a decision in favor of
one contestant or the other. Typically, one contestant wins and
the other loses. Only sometimes are compromises considered, whereby
each party would gain something but not everything sought. In many
suits, not all parties affected by the decision are represented.
In particular, when the decision, whatever it may be, affects the
general public to some degree, that general public is typically
not a party to the judicial action.
The legislative-judicial process often sacrifices economic efficiency
for a distribution of the economic gains desired by the parties
with the political power or political initiative. Efficiency is
primarily a market concept; equity, or the distribution of gains,
is a political concept. What I am able to gain out of any struggle
over natural resource use is clearly equity; what you are able to
gain at my expense is unfair and unreasonable. Equity or fairness
is a slippery matter in practice. The legislators and the courts
may strive for it but in the process they are often willing to sacrifice
large amounts of efficiency.
The legislative-judicial processes are typically costly, not only
in money but also in time and in the use of human talent. At the
best, these processes are a substantial economic burden to the populace
as a whole. The cost is often intolerable to some parties or to
some potential parties to the disputes over natural resource use.
The cost of court action may be so high that in actual operation
this process is not open to lower-income persons. The courts may
be courts of law but not necessarily of justice.
Finally, the results of seeking legislation or judicial decision
to decide some conflict over natural resource use are uncertain.
It is precisely because there is a difference of opinion about some
situation that recourse is had to the courts - if everyone agreed
as to the rights of each party, there would be no legal contest.
A party to a dispute over natural resource use can never be sure
as to the result of the legislative or judicial action. One may
not only fail to get what one seeks, but one may wind up worse off
than when one began. Even if one wins today, that is no guarantee
for tomorrow, in either legislature or court. Changing political,
social, economic, and technological times may lead wisely to the
overthrow of past decisions. But they may equally lead to unwise
new decisions. Uncertainty is particularly great for innovations
of any kind. Will a technologically new method of natural resource
use be accepted under present or under amended law? One cannot be
sure, in advance, yet innovation has been basic to increased wellbeing
of people throughout the ages.
For all of these reasons, many persons and groups have become disillusioned
with the legislative-judicial approach to the resolution of conflicts
over natural resource use. One direction taken in recent years has
been direct negotiation among the interested parties, and I now
turn to an exploration of this approach.
Direct Negotiation
Direct negotiation between rivals or opponents is at least as old
as civilization. Wary about the gains and losses from combat or
struggle, the parties at interest have agreed to try to mediate
their differences. Typically in the United States in modern times,
wage and working-condition agreements have been negotiated between
labor unions and employers. Direct negotiation is used in some situations
about natural resource use. A suburban developer buys off opposition
to his plans by donation of some land for a public park, for instance.
Several rather large-scale and relatively complicated direct negotiations
over natural resource problems have taken place in the last couple
of decades and one may logically conclude that more such negotiations
will occur in the future.
Direct negotiation on issues of natural resource use is likely
when every party of interest is reluctant to trust either an unfettered
market or a legislative-judicial process. If one feels confident
of winning and feels that the costs of a struggle are not excessive
in relation to the expected gains, then there is little reason to
negotiate with rivals. If success is uncertain or if prospective
costs are excessive, then negotiation may be a preferable alternative.
Critical to the success of any negotiation is a willingness and
a desire on the part of all parties to genuinely seek a solution.
If one or more parties to the competition seeks to prevent any decision
of any action, then negotiation is almost sure to fail. Likewise,
if one party is confident that its economic or political power will
enable it to prevail completely, then negotiation will likely prove
unattractive to it. In still other instances, one or more parties
to the competition may feel so dedicated to an ideological position
that compromise with contending interests is ruled out. If God has
revealed his truth to you, why should you compromise with the Devil?
Even if there exists a willingness by all parties to negotiate,
a further absolute requisite is the willingness and ability of each
party to honor any agreement that may be reached, and the willingness
of each to trust the other parties at interest to do the same. Such
ability and willingness are all too often missing in negotiations
about natural resource use. Negotiation between trusted friends
is one thing; negotiation with rivals who are not trusted is very
different. But in many instances involving natural resource use,
the actual negotiators may have trouble delivering performance by
their clients. Most parties have their own constituency to deal
with. Examples exist of apparent agreements being repudiated. Contenders
for natural resource use can frequently cite instances of other
parties welshing on what seemed like confirmed agreements; each
is better at citing such actions by rivals than by admitting to
similar actions by itself.
Each party to a negotiation must have information or a shrewd guess
as to the values each other party places on each aspect of the resource
use under negotiation. The essence of the negotiation process is
for each party to give up some of what it values least in return
for gaining more of what it values most. Although each party must
have some concept of the relative values of each other party, each
may seek to conceal its own relative values. Ruses of various sorts,
bluffs about possible actions, and plain red herrings are surely
to be expected. But, in the end, if success is to be achieved, a
large degree of honest bargaining is indispensable.
At its best, the negotiation process produces net gains for each
party, and the sum of all such net gains is greater than could be
achieved in any other way. Even at this best outcome, it is highly
probable that no party gained everything it sought. There is most
likely to be some margin of unrealized gain for each. But, again,
if the process works at its best, costs have been avoided so that
the net gains to each party are higher than if the competition had
been resolved in some other way.
Clearly, negotiation, if attempted, will not always proceed to
a conclusion accepted by all parties, for any one of the reasons
suggested above. Moreover, a negotiated result which seemed satisfactory
when first agreed upon may turn sour for one or more parties in
the future. But this latter result may also occur with either market
competition or legislative-judicial action.
Combinations of Approaches
I have discussed the market approach, the legislative-judicial
process, and negotiation as if each were the only method of conflict
resolution for natural resource use. In practice, these various
approaches are likely to be combined in varying proportions.
For instance, it is common for contending parties to attempt to
negotiate the terms of new legislation. In the legislative process,
it is always much easier to prevent something being passed and adopted
than it is to secure such adoption. The defensive position in the
struggle is easier to maintain than is the offensive action. Under
these circumstances, it is often necessary to make concessions to
some interest group which possesses a degree of political power,
if any legislation is to be enacted. Thus, negotiation and legislative
approaches may be combined.
It is very common for the legislative-judicial process to set the
terms or the conditions under which the market can operate to resolve
competition for natural resource use. The market is often better
at producing a decision between rival persons for the same defined
use of a natural resource, than it is in producing socially acceptable
decisions between different kinds of resource use. With all its
limitations in practice, the bidding process for sale of timber
or minerals from public land may be acceptable, whereas society
may be unwilling to allow the decision between wilderness and timber
or between wilderness and mineral production to be made in an open
market process.
There surely are situations in which a court decision might give
legal strength to a negotiated agreement about natural resource
use. The judicial process would thus be used to supplement or to
replace trust among the parties.
There are other possible combinations of approaches but I do not
try to list or describe them all. Whatever may be the single or
combination of approaches, there are certain kinds of information
and certain kinds of analysis which are indispensable, and I now
turn to a description of these.
An Eclectic and Comprehensive Approach Is Essential
Whichever of the three major avenues of conflict resolution may
be chosen, the result is likely to be more satisfactory and longer-enduring
if it is preceded by an eclectic and comprehensive analysis. Such
an analysis is complex and difficult but anything less is almost
surely doomed to failure. A comprehensive approach requires several
different kinds of information, which almost certainly means an
interdisciplinary effort, with all the problems and difficulties
of such efforts. Each specialist may have a part of the truth but
rarely will he or she have a complete picture. The information of
different kinds, from different sources, must somehow be synthesized
into a consistent whole, and therein lie many difficult problems.
An eclectic and comprehensive approach to conflict resolution requires
each of five different kinds of analyses: (1) physical-biological
feasibility and consequences; (2) economic efficiency, or benefits
in relation to costs; (3) economic equity, or who gains and who
pays; (4) cultural acceptability, or how well proposed solutions
conform to social goals and standards; and (5) operational practicality,
or the ability to actually carry out the decisions agreed upon.
Each of these must be described in a little more detail.
1. Physical-biological feasibility and consequences. In a particular
natural resource situation, where there is conflict over the use
of the resource, the basic question is: what can be done with
this resource? What inputs of labor, capital, and entrepreneurship
are required to produce what results? This requires, in physical
terms, what an economist calls a production function - so many
acres of land, so many hours of labor, so much machinery, so much
fertilizer, and so much of other inputs, to produce what amount
of goods or services? At this stage of analysis, the cost of the
inputs and the value of the outputs are not considered.
It is not enough to consider the first or initial relationship
between inputs and outputs; the consequences of some proposed
action should be traced through. If one proposes to selectively
cut the pines in a mixed pine-hardwood stand, does this mean converting
the stand to all hardwoods? In exploring the consequences of a
proposed resource action, it is not satisfactory to compare the
probable result with the present situation; the latter is likely
to change also, and the real comparison is the situation at some
future date, with or without the proposed resource action.
The physical-biological analysis should consider trade-offs,
in purely physical terms. If more machinery is employed, at great
capital cost, how much does this reduce the labor input? If the
inputs are varied on the same resource base to produce different
packages of outputs, what is the trade-off between one output
and another?
Among the consequences of a proposed action must be included
the probable environmental effects. For example, if irrigation
is developed in some area, what will be the new river regime,
and what will be the environmental impacts? Clearly, the environmental
impacts may not be known with certainty, any more than other results
of the proposed action can be known with certainty.
2. Economic efficiency. What are the costs and the benefits,
in monetary terms, of the various natural resource developments
which the physical-biological analysis has identified as possibilities)
Frequently, costs are incurred "up front" while benefits
are expected to flow in the future. These differences in time
dimension can be largely reconciled by discounting future costs
and benefits to present values, but this requires the choice of
an interest rate - an arbitrary and often contentious process
but one which may determine the results of the economic analysis.
The economic analysis of a proposed natural resource use must
be related carefully to the whole economy and society within which
the resource lies. What is appropriate and economical in a rich
and intellectually advanced country may be totally inappropriate
in a poor and less advanced country.
The economic analysis of costs and benefits may result in a benefit/cost
ratio, or in a discounted present net worth, or in an internal
rate of return. While the differences among these measures greatly
concern economists, basically each measures the same relationship
and each is vulnerable to the same forces. Not only is there sensitivity
to the interest rate used for discounting, but there are also
and unavoidably degrees of risk, of uncertainty, and of probability.
But these are inherent in the real world and not a function of
the method of analysis.
Both costs and benefits should include environmental effects.
If the proposed resource use involves environmental effects which
are generally considered adverse, these effects must be evaluated
in monetary terms. Many resource uses do indeed involve environmental
consequences which many people will consider adverse; the possibility
of favorable environmental consequences must also be considered.
There is a common myth that some kinds of benefits are nonquantifiable
in monetary terms. How can you value a beautiful view or a sunset,
any more than you can value a mother's love? Those who argue thus
are really advocating bad economics rather than good economics
and they ignore the fact that by actions, rather than by words,
our society does indeed put a value on beautiful views or sunsets,
and on mother's love. The next time someone proclaims the impossibility
of putting monetary values on certain uses of natural resources,
I suggest you use the following procedure with him or her. Offer
this person a million acres of wilderness, free, any place he
or she chooses; then, when a choice is made, reduce the offer
to half a million acres ("haggling over the price"),
and see what is excluded. This person will have made two economic
analyses and two economic decisions: one for the million acres,
a second one for the half million acres. The analysis may have
been faulty and may have rested on questionable data, but an economic
choice has been made in each case.
I should note that efficiency is a concept valued more highly
by economists than by legislators, administrators, and the general
public. We economists are concerned, sometimes almost to the exclusion
of other considerations, with economic efficiency. Others are
more likely to be concerned with economic equity or who gains
the benefits and who pays the costs.
3. Economic equity. In most natural resource situations, the
persons who bear the costs are not the same persons who gain the
benefits, or at least costs and benefits are not shared in the
same proportion. The disassociation of costs and benefits may
be between different persons or may be between different time
periods or both. Contests over natural resource use are typically
contests over who gains and who pays. The primary concern for
many actors in the process is: what is in it for me? The economic
efficiency of a water development or water control project may
be low but if I gain much of the benefit and pay little of the
costs, it may be highly profitable for me.
The disassociation of costs and benefits applies to environmental
results as well as to monetary results of any natural resource
use. Do I value the spotted owls which require a mature unharvested
forest stand while you value the deer which thrive better on cutover
areas? Should society be more concerned about soil erosion or
more pleased with increased agricultural output?
There is no neat test for optimum distribution of economic gains,
comparable to the benefit/cost analysis for economic efficiency.
Do we as a society wish to levy higher taxes on the relatively
rich in order to provide revenues for greater public services
to the poor? We say we do, but the results are not very great
in this direction. Or might we wish to take away from the poor
some of what little they have, in order to enrich the relatively
well-to-do segments of the society? The answers lie in the realm
of social standards and governmental processes, not in economic
analysis. But the economist should make the analyses which show
how gains and costs of any proposal will be shared.
just as economic efficiency is a concept most highly valued by
economists, so is economic equity most a matter of concern to
politicians. They may not have heard of the term or may reject
it as a description of their actions but they are acutely conscious
of who gains and who pays among their electorate.
4. Cultural acceptability. For some people, biological feasibility,
economic efficiency, and economic equity are irrelevant for their
position on some natural resource issue. There are some uses which
the dominant social culture refuses to permit and others which
it will insist upon. For instance, it is generally recognized
that natural resource use in India would be very different if
Indians generally valued red meat for personal consumption as
much as do Americans. But we overlook the fact that in this country
we refuse to eat dog meat. Dog meat is eaten is some parts of
the world and was eaten by Indians 200 years ago. Lewis and Clark
describe their experiences in eating dog meat in what is now Oregon,
and Parkman in his book, The Oregon Trail, describes the consumption
of dog meat by Indians on the Plains. Not only do people in the
United States not eat dog meat today, but we refuse to allow it
to be used to make pet foods or fertilizers.
Of more importance for use of many natural resources, large numbers
of people are opposed to clearcutting of timber or to nuclear
power, irrespective of biological consequences, economic efficiency,
or economic equity. They are simply opposed and no amount of evidence
that nuclear power is the safest source of electrical energy in
both the short run and the long, run will change their minds.
Cultural attitudes toward natural resource use are often deep-seated
and held with high emotion by these who possess them. These attitudes
are likely to be defended as "logical" and "natural"
by those holding them, however illogical or esoteric they may
appear to others. Moreover, cultural attitudes often do not lend
themselves to cool critical analysis. But they exist and the natural
resource planner or developer is foolish to ignore them.
5. Operational practicality. Finally, can we, collectively, actually
do what we decide we want to do? Not infrequently, a course of
natural resource use is proposed which simply cannot be carried
out. Many proposals call for expenditure of public funds; there
is often a huge gap between what may be authorized and what will
actually be appropriated. Particular programs may call for more
professional skill in application than is likely to be available.
And sometimes such large segments of the total public ignore or
violate plans and regulations that the whole scheme becomes impossible.
In my scale of values, little is gained and much may be lost by
plans or proposals which simply will not or cannot be put into
The foregoing discussion takes up these five different kinds
of analysis separately, one by one, primarily for expositional
reasons. In fact, there are many trade-offs among them. For instance,
if a natural resource use is highly profitable, its profitability
will often overcome opposition that is based on cultural reasons.
When the new hybrid rices were introduced in Asian areas, in many
instances they encountered cultural opposition because the rice
tasted differently or cooked up differently than the varieties
to which people have been accustomed for generations. But when
it was recognized that yields could be doubled from the same inputs
of land, water, fertilizer, and labor, many people decided that
more of a different rice was a better than less of a familiar
A very common trade-off is economic equity for economic efficiency.
Maximum economic efficiency means that the gains, to whomsoever
they shall accrue, are greater than from any other course of action.
Some people will try to obtain a natural resource use which gives
them more gains but at the expense of the whole society. In the
natural resource field, this has been more prominent and of greater
magnitude in the water management and development field than in
any other.
While operational practicality is highly important, it is not
fixed and immutable but rather can be modified if sufficient effort
is exerted. If some line of natural resource use is urgently desired
to achieve particular ends, greater effort may be directed at
making the proposal work in practice. This is true whether the
goal is economic efficiency, a predetermined distribution of gains,
or the satisfaction of cultural concerns.
It should be apparent from the foregoing discussion that each
approach requires its own kind of professional expertise and that
each will have its own criteria and its own jargon. Each kind
of information and each kind of professional approach has its
part to play. The real problems arise when any group thinks it
has all the answers and refuses or ignores other kinds of analysis
and information. Synthesis of highly disparate kinds of information
and of analysis is obviously difficult. My position is that it
is unavoidable if a truly comprehensive and fully defensible program
is to be developed.
My Ideal for Conflict Resolution
Let me conclude by briefly outlining my ideal for conflict resolution.
First of all, I would like to see conflicts over use of natural
resources resolved by a well-thougbt-out process that leads to a
carefully considered decision. In practice, this may well include
some combination of market, legislative-judicial decision, and negotiation.
I do not argue for any rigid combination of these approaches, nor
indeed would I exclude using any one of them alone. While I have
much respect for market processes, I think they are often inadequate
or inappropriate and must be replaced or supplemented by others.
In the second place, I think it essential that every party at interest
in a dispute over natural resources recognize and respect the viewpoints
of others. In many cases, one or more parties to the conflict feel
and act as if all virtue was on their side, and that others could
be and should be ignored if possible or pushed aside if necessary.
In the third place, in my ideal conflict resolution, every party
would be seeking agreement - agreement most favorable to himself
or herself, but nevertheless agreement. A desire to reach agreement
is essential because any party determined to prevent or sabotage
agreement can usually do so.
For any resolution of conflict over natural resource use to be
considered ideal, the total of the public interest must be at a
maximum or near it. It is obviously difficult to define and to measure
a public interest, as many scholars have pointed out many times.
But there is, in my judgment, something that can be considered a
totality of public interest, and the effort should be to reach this
as closely and as clearly as it can be defined.
The ideal solution to the conflict over natural resource use should
yield some gain for every party to the conflict. It is most unlikely
that everyone can gain everything that he or she would like. I think
that in most cases, everyone must fall short to some degree; but
I also think that each party can gain something in a well-chosen
solution to a dispute.
Clearly, my ideal, described so briefly and in such general terms,
is not a neat and tidy process. It contains no mathematical formula
- indeed, it rejects such formulae as being insufficient in themselves.
But I think my ideal is both practical of attainment, given the
will to seek agreement, and realistic in the sense of being possible
to carry out.
Marion Clawson
Marion Clawson, our 27th Albright Lecturer, is a distinguished resource
economist and public servant who has been active in the field of
federal land management policy for more than 50 years.
Dr. Clawson received the B.S. degree in 1926 from the University
of Nevada. In 1929 he was awarded the M.S. degree in Agricultural
Economics at the same institution. He then joined the Bureau of
Agricultural Economics, USDA, and worked as an economist in five
different western states from 1929 to 1946 on assignments involving
irrigation development in the Columbia Basin and California's Central
Valley Project. During this period be undertook and completed additional
graduate studies, receiving the Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard
University 1943.
In 1947 Dr. Clawson moved to the newly-formed Bureau of Land Management,
U.S. Department of Interior, as the Regional Representative in San
Francisco. A year later he was appointed as first regular Director,
headquartered in Washington, D.C., and served in that capacity for
five years until 1953. From 1953 to 1955 he served with the Economic
Advisory Staff in Jerusalem, Israel.
In 1955 Dr. Clawson joined Resources for the Future as Director
of Land Use and Management Studies. He served in various capacities,
including Director of Land and Water Studies, Vice President, and
Acting President during his 21 years with Resources for the Future.
Following his retirement in 1976 Dr. Clawson continued to work as
a consultant to Resources for the Future. He was appointed Senior
Fellow Emeritus of RFF in 1981.
Dr. Clawson has conducted research and policy studies relating
to the use and management of federal lands and to outdoor recreation.
His publications include: The Western Range Livestock Industry (1947);
Uncle Sam's Acres (195 1); The Federal Lands: Their Use and Management
(1957); Economics of Outdoor Recreation (1966); Report of the President's
Panel on Timber and the Environment (1973); and The Federal Lands
Revisited (1983).
Dr. Clawson is widely known as a perceptive, highly experienced
observer and analyst of the federal land management policy scene.
His work is noted for innovation and advocacy. He has been a leader
in defining the area of outdoor recreation as a field for original
research and policy development. His 1959 article, "Methods
of Measuring the Demand for and Value of Outdoor Recreation,"
led the way for the development of methods for quantifying users'
willingness to pay for recreational services based on travel cost
data and participation rates. He has argued persuasively for greater
use of economic efficiency in managing the National Forest System.
He is also a proponent for the continued retention of the federal
lands for public management, but has suggested alternative ways,
including large-scale, long-term leasing, for improving bureaucratic
efficiency and accountability.
Dr. Clawson has held elective office in or been honored by numerous
professional or scientific organizations. He served as Vice president
of the American Agricultural Economics Association and was elected
by it to the rank of Fellow. The association also gave him an award
for Publications of Enduring Quality. He served as a member of the
President's Advisory Panel on Timber and the Environment from 1971-73,
and as President of the Forest History Society in 1980-81. He is
a Fellow in the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and a Founding
Fellow in the Academy of Leisure Sciences. Dr. Clawson received
the American Motors Conservation Award in 1976; the Theodore C.
Blegen Award in 1980; and the American Forestry Association Distinguished
Service Award in 1982.
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