MASS EXTINCTION OF SPECIES: A Great Creative Challenge
Norman Myers
Berkeley, California May 1, 1986
"Once put out thy light,
Thou cunning'st pattern of excelling nature,
I know not where is that Promethean beat
That can thy light relume. "
During the 15 years since I left the Berkeley campus after graduate
studies I have traveled in 80-odd countries around the world. I
have come across much evidence of mass extinction of species:1
- in Madagascar, there were recently 8,500 documented plant species
and probably around 170,000 animal species, with 60 percent of them
endemic to the island's eastern strip of forest. At least 93 percent
of the original primary forest has been eliminated.2
- in the Caribbean, with its 50,000 coral-reef species, whole communities
are at risk through marine pollution. One-sixth of the world's oil
is produced in or shipped through the Caribbean, and supertankers,
plus offshore oil rigs, inject more than 100 million barrels of
oil into the sea each year.3
- in Lake Baikal of Central Asia, the oldest, deepest and most
remote large lake on Earth, there are at least 2,000 fish species,
1,500 of them endemic - and the lake is being polluted by more than
50 factories, including paperpulp plants recently established in
its environs.4
- in the Cape Floristic Kingdom of South Africa there are 6,000-plus
plant species, 70 percent of them endemic, in only 7,200 square
miles (the 600,000 square miles of the northeastern United States
feature only 5,500 plant species, and only a few hundred endemics).
Yet the area suffers acute problems of encroaching agriculture,
over-frequent fires and invasive exotic plants, threatening at least
2,000 plant species (or as many as are threatened in the entire
United States).5
- in the Pantanal area of Brazil there are 44,000 square miles
of wetlands, probably the most extensive and richest wetlands in
the world. They support the largest and most diversified populations
of waterfowl in South America; and they surely harbor a large number
of endemic invertebrates. The area has been classified by UNESCO's
World Heritage System as "of international importance".
Yet it suffers increasing encroachment from agriculture, hydropower
projects, and other forms of disruptive development.6
I have come across many other such portents of a major extinction
episode underway,7 True, they are generalized in their documentation;
in the main, they do not offer lengthy lists of individual species
that have recently become extinct. But in addition, colleagues tell
me of particular instances with species-by-species details, such
as the 90 endemic plants and their associated animal species, discovered
only a few years ago on an eight-square mile ridge of western Ecuador,
and entirely eliminated today through logging and settlement agriculture.8
In short, there are abundant signs that we are witnessing a mass
extinction. In the course of this paper, we shall look at the nature
and extent of the phenomenon. We shall examine some of its mechanisms
and dynamics. Above all, we shall ask how far it should truly matter
to us, whether as scientists, conservationists or citizens. This
writer will argue that from a biological standpoint it ranks as
one of the greatest, if not the greatest, of all episodes in the
history of life's four billion years on Earth; and that from a biological
and every other standpoint we can regard it as one of the greatest,
if not the greatest event of our time. We are unconsciously conducting
a superscale experiment with Earth's biotas. And, it will generate
a grossly impoverishing impact - unless we, viz. scientists, conservationists
and citizens, decide to do a good deal more about it. Therein lies
scope for another great event: the saving of species in their millions.
So we face not only an outsize problem. We face an unprecedented
opportunity: a challenge of uniquely creative scope.
However true it is that we are witnessing a mass extinction, we
witness it unwittingly. The progressive depletion of Earth's biotas
is little noted, let alone investigated. In Central Africa, for
instance, the 11,430-square mile Lake Malawi, with its 500-plus
cichlid species, 99 percent of them endemic (the lake is only one-eighth
the size of North America's Great Lakes, which feature only 173
species, fewer than 10 percent of them endemic), is threatened through
pollution from industrial installations and proposed introduction
of alien species.9 In Lake Victoria, with only some 300 endemic
cichlid species, introduced predators among other problems are likely
to reduce the flock of endemics by 80-90 percent within another
decade at most. The evolution of Lake Malawi has engaged in explosive
speciation, to produce an exceedingly rich "fish swarm"
with greater differentiation than in any other tropical lake. Indeed
Lake Malawi, together with the chain of other lakes in East Africa,
harboring more than 930 endemic cichlids (plus more than 100 other
endemic species), must be reckoned as far more significant for the
study of evolution than the Galapagos Islands. Yet the basic biology
of Lake Malawi, the leading lake in the chain, has yet to be elucidated,
and there is next to no scientific program for long-term research
of a substantive and systematic sort.
There are many such ecosystems in the tropics: exceptionally rich,
exceptionally threatened, and exceptionally interesting to the scientist.
Yet the issue of mass extinction has remained a sleeper issue -
until very recently, at least. During the past several years there
has been intense scientific debate (engendered in major measure
by the pioneering work of the Alvarez team on the Berkeley campus),10
with regard to the events at the end of the Cretaceous, leading
to the sudden demise of the dinosaurs and their kin, together with
associated assemblages of other animals. Yet there is hardly a fraction
so much debate, let alone research, on the extinction phenomenon
that is starting to take place on the planet right now all around
us. The late-Cretaceous episode has even attracted the attention
of many organs of the popular press. But when Time Magazine ran
a cover story on the subject last year, comparing it with other
major extinction episodes during life's history on Earth, it did
not mention the remarkable episode that is taking place today -
before our very eyes, as it were.
Mass Extinction and Modern Biology
The current episode of mass extinction is clearly of concern to
modern biology. For one thing, a sizable portion of life's diversity
on Earth is being eliminated: we are witnessing the onset of a process
that will, if unchecked, culminate in the summary elimination of
millions of species. When we consider just the numbers of species
involved, let alone the compressed time-frame of the episode (much
less the unique cause of the phenomenon), we may suppose we are
on the verge of one of the greatest extinction episodes to occur
during the four billion years since the start of evolution. Eventually
this mass extinction may well prove more far-reaching in its ultimate
impact than others of the paleontological past, insofar as a large
proportion of plant species are being eliminated along with animal
species (on former occasions the plant kingdom was often little
affected) - with all that implies for post-extinction recovery of
biotas through evolutionary processes. For various reasons then,
the extinction spasm impending may well rank as the greatest impoverishment
of Earth's species since the first flickerings of life.
This apart (if one may venture the heresy), there are other factors
of current mass extinction that are significant to modern biology.
The essential questions of evolution are far less likely to be answered
(nor may all the right questions be asked) if the enquiry must be
pursued through the medium of a grossly reduced spectrum of species.
After all, the species is the basic unit of evolutionary biology,
and each species has emerged as an ultrarefined experiment in biology.
Moreover, whereas certain schools of evolutionary enquiry assert
the preeminence of generalized phenomena such as adaptations, specializations,
regressions and other trends, we cannot analyze these phenomena
in isolation from the progression of the entities that display these
trends, viz. species.11
Furthermore, the species is the basic unit of ecology too. An ecosystem,
being composed of species together with their physical environments,
is better understood when it is reduced to its component parts,
together with the interactions of species with their environments
and with each other. It is these interactions that are the proper
focus of ecology. How shall we address the key questions of ecology
without a full complement of real-world examples of how these questions
are being addressed?12 If we lose a major proportion of extant species,
will that not severely limit our options for studying determinants
of diversity, population regulation, resource-sharing strategies,
food-web structures, nutrient flows, and social systems - all of
them central to our understanding of how creatures live in relation
to their environments, whether gophers in relation to their habitat
or humankind in relation to the biosphere?
In addition to evolutionary biology and ecology, a good number
of other branches of modern biology are critically dependent upon
the entity of species as "an immensely useful ordering device
for biological phenomena."13 Again, a proper array of species
contributes to the ultimate full flowering of such subject areas
as zoology, botany, taxonomy, systematics, ethology, comparative
physiology, functional morphology and population genetics.14
Yet despite these cogent factors of concern for mass extinction,
much of modern biology seems preoccupied with other priorities.
The approach is revealed by funding patterns. The National Science
Foundation is the main federal agency to support basic research
in systematics, ecology and other fields that relate to species
totals and extinction rates, with a budgetary allocation of $34
million a year. This is to be compared with the budget of the National
Institute of Health, $4 billion. Of the NIH budget, $1.1 billion
goes to work on cancer. Yet if all forms of cancer were conquered
tomorrow, the average life expectancy of Americans would increase
by only a few years. Meanwhile the survival of millions of unique
life forms, with all that they contribute to the wellbeing of all
humankind, is at stake. Put another way, were we to make no progress
toward a cancer cure for another 50 years, the overall wellbeing
of American society would not be much affected in terms of its essential
functioning. But we have a lot less than 50 years, maybe only 15
years, to get to grips with the deadlines of tropical deforestation
and other environmental degradation that leads to mass extinction
of species.15
From the pragmatic standpoint of biology's future, and with respect
to its basic raw materials in the form of species, is it not ironic
that precisely when we are learning so much about the nature and
origins of life, we are allowing so much of life's diversity to
disappear, and to disappear in the twinkling of an evolutionary
eye? It is not ironic that precisely at the time when we are learning
how to exploit genetic variability through the quantum advances
of genetic engineering, we are allowing entire stocks of genetic
materials to be eliminated? Is it not ironic above all that precisely
at a stage of so much blooming of modern biology, we are allowing
manifold manifestations of life's diversity, indeed whole segments
of life's variety and abundance, to be dispatched, and ostensibly
with scarcely a thought? Will future generations of biologists not
consider it curious that as we became aware of what was happening,
we nevertheless continued with the established approaches to biology,
with the former priorities and funding patterns? And that we continued
that way for all the world as if the future would be a simple extension
of the past, a case of "the same as before, only more so"
- even though we were poised on the brink of one of the greatest
dislocations in the entire course of life on Earth?
Yet far from being ready to do much about the extinction episode
underway, we do not even know how many species now exist. It is
surely of interest to modern biology to know whether the planetary
complement of species amounts to fewer than 5 mil-lion species (minimum
estimate) or 50 million (highest present estimate). Nonetheless
we do not have anything beyond a vague idea of how many species
actually share the planer with us. Nor, at present rates of documentation16
and extinction, will we ever know, probably not to within 50-percent
certitude. Yet we can now measure how far the Earth is from the
moon at a given moment, almost one-quarter of a million miles, to
within less than half an inch, i.e., to within 99.999999998-percent
accuracy. Were a neighboring planet to reveal its own form of life,
that would be considered exceptional news indeed. Yet we have only
a rudimentary understanding of the nature and function of our own
biosphere and its myriad forms of life. We now know more about certain
sectors of the moon's surface than about the heartlands of Borneo.
But the moon will remain around, undisturbed, for a good while to
come, whereas the heartlands of Borneo look set to become radically
modified within just another decade at most.
Here we are, then, faced with what deserves to rank as the greatest
issue of modern biology, and we do not even know how great an issue
it is.
Species and Genetic Variability
Whereas the status of Earth's totality of species is an issue that
virtually by definition should be a major concern of modern biology,
some observers may suppose that an individual species is a much
more marginal affair; i.e., that it is an entity far less likely
to offer much to biological understanding. But each species represents
the outcome of evolutionary processes that have generated a discrete
amalgam of genetic variability. Although intraspecies genetic differences
may sometimes appear slight, they are often quite pronounced. An
immediate idea of this "genetic plasticity" inherent in
a species can be gained, for example, by considering the variability
manifested in the many races of dogs or the many specialized types
of corn developed by breeders.17
But even this gives only a very crude picture. There is much more
to the situation. A typical bacterium may contain about 1,000 genes,
certain fungi 10,000, and many flowering plants and a few animals
400, 000 or more.18 A typical mammal such as a mouse may harbor
"only" 100,000 genes, a complement that is to be found
in each and every one of its cells. As has been graphically expressed
by Professor Edward 0. Wilson of Harvard University:19
"Each of the cells (Of the house mouse) contains four strings
of DNA, each of which comprises about a billion nucleotide pain
organized into a hundred thousand structural genes. If stretched
out fully, the DNA would be roughly one yard long. But this molecule
is invisible to the naked eye because it is only 20 angstroms in
diameter. If we magnified it until its width equaled that of a wrapping
string to make it plainly visible, the fully extended molecule would
be 600 miles long. As we traveled along its length, we would encounter
some 20 nucleotide pairs to the inch. The full information contained
therein, if translated into ordinary-sized printed letters, would
just about fill all 15 editions of the Encyclopedia Britannica published
in 1768."
Each species, then, constitutes its own stock of genetic diversity,
and virtually all species harbor a far greater amount of genetic
variability than is suggested by the concept of species alone. Not
only does a species comprise a number of subspecies, races and populations,
each of which constitutes a distinctive reservoir of genetic material.
All the organisms that go to make up a species are genetically differentiated,
due to the high levels of genetic polymorphism across many of the
gene loci (except in cases of parthenogenesis and identical twinning).20
The 10,000 or so ant species that have been identified are estimated
to comprise e 1015 individuals at any given moment.21 All the more,
then, the total number of species is not the only standard by which
we should evaluate the abundance and diversity of life.
This means there is another dimension to the impoverishment that
is overtaking Earth's biotas. Many species are losing whole sub-units,
in the form of races and populations, at a rate that greatly reduces
their genetic variability. Even though these species are not being
endangered in terms of their overall numbers, they are suffering
a critical decline in their genetic makeup. For example, the remaining
gene pools of major crop plants such as corn and rice amount to
only a fraction of the genetic diversity they harbored only a few
decades ago, even though the species themselves are anything but
Extinction Rates: Past and Present
Let us now address the key question of how fast species are being
eliminated. Extinction has been a fact of life virtually since life's
first emergence. Of an estimated half billion species that have
ever existed, the present few million are the modern-day survivors.
Almost all past extinctions, however, have occurred by virtue of
natural processes. Today by far the predominant influence in the
situation is man, who eliminates whole habitats, complete communities
of species, in super-short order. If we reckon that the average
duration of a species is, roughly speaking, some five million years,
and if we further reckon that there has been a crude average of
900,000 extinctions every one million years during the last 200
million years, then the average "background rate" of extinctions
has been, as a very rough-and-ready estimate, one in every one and
one-ninth years.22 The present human-caused rate is certainly hundreds
of times higher, and could easily be one thousand times higher -
possibly many More Still.23,24
We have no concise grasp of the rate of extinctions underway. The
great majority of species in question are precisely those, such
as insects and other arthropods in tropical forests, that are least
documented. We know all too little about their very existence, let
alone about their survival status. So we are far from having an
exact picture of what is happening. To help us gain an insight into
the situation, let us take a lengthy look at tropical forests. There
is general agreement that these forests, while covering only 6 percent
of Earth's land surface, contain at least 50 percent of all species,
and conceivably 90 percent or even more.25 There is also general
agreement that remaining primary forests cover rather less than
3.6 million square miles out of 6 million that once existed; that
between 30,000 and 37,000 square miles are eliminated outright each
year; and that at least a further 40, 000 square miles are grossly
disrupted each year (these figures derive from a data base of the
late 1970s; the rates have increased somewhat since then).26 This
means, roughly speaking, that one percent of the biome is being
deforested each year, and rather more than another one percent is
being significantly degraded. By the end of the century there could
be little left of the biome in primary status with full complement
of species, outside of two large remnant blocs (one in the Zaire
Basin and the other in the western half of Brazilian Amazonia),
plus some outlier areas such as the Guyana tract of forest in northern
South America and perhaps parts of New Guinea. Moreover, these relict
sectors of the biome are little likely to survive beyond a few further
decades, if only because of sheer expansion of impoverished throngs
of forestland farmers.
As a measure of what rapid population growth (immigration rather
than natural increase, i.e., through the phenomenon of the shifted
cultivator) can impose on tropical forests, consider the situation
in Rondonia, a state in the southern sector of Brazilian Amazonia.
Since 197 5 the population has grown from I 11, 000 to more than
one million today, i.e. an almost 10-times increase in little over
10 years. In 1975 almost 500 square miles of forest were cleared.
By 1982 this amount had grown to more than 4,000 square miles, and
by early 1985 to almost 6,500.27
To help us gain a more precise insight into the scope and scale
of present extinctions, let us look briefly at three particular
areas, viz. the forested tracts of western Ecuador, Atlantic coast
Brazil 1 and Madagascar. Each of these areas featured exceptional
concentrations of species with high levels of endemism. Western
Ecuador is reputed to have once contained between 8,000 and 10,000
plant species, with an endemism, rate somewhere between 40 and 60
percent.28 If we suppose, as we reasonably can by drawing on detailed
inventories in sample plots, that there are between 10 and 30 animal
species for every one plant species, the species complement in western
Ecuador must have amounted to almost 200,000 in all. Since 1960
almost the entire forest cover of western Ecuador has been destroyed
to make way for banana plantations, oil exploiters, and human settlements
of various sorts. How many species have thus been eliminated is
difficult to judge, but they must number at least in the tens of
thousands - all eliminated in just 25 years.
Similar baseline figures and a similar story of forest depletion,
though for different reasons and over a longer time period, apply
to the Atlantic-coastal forest of Brazil29 and to Madagascar.30
So in these three areas alone, with their 600,000 species, half
of them endemics, the recent past must have witnessed a sizable
fallout of species.31 In fact it is realistic to surmise that in
these three areas alone the extinction rate could well have averaged
several species a day since about 1950.
Extinction Rates: Future
As for the future, the outlook seems all the more adverse, though
its detailed dimensions are still less clear than those of the present.32
Despite the uncertainty, however, it is worthwhile to delineate
the nature and compass of what lies ahead in order to grasp the
scope of the extinction spasm that impends. Let us look again at
tropical forests. We have already seen what is happening to three
critical areas. We can identify a good number of other sectors of
the biome that are similarly ultra-rich in species and that likewise
face severe threat of destruction. They include the Mosquitia Forest
of Central America; the Choco Forest of Colombia; the Napo center
of diversity in Peruvian Amazonia (plus seven other centers out
of 20-odd centers of diversity in Amazonia that lie around the fringes
of the basin and hence are unusually threatened by settlement programs
and various other forms of "development"); the Tai Forest
of Ivory Coast; the montane forests of East Africa; the relict wet
forest of Sri Lanka; the monsoon forests of the Himalayan foothills;
northwestern Borneo; certain lowland areas of the Philippines; and
several islands of the South Pacific (New Caledonia, for instance,
with 6,530 square miles, or almost the size of New Jersey, contains
3,000 plant species, 80 percent of them endemic).
These 20 sectors of the tropical forest biome amount to roughly
400,000 square miles (only two and a half times the size of California),
or a mere one-tenth of remaining undisturbed forests. So far as
we can best judge from their documented numbers of plant species,33
and by making substantiated assumptions about the numbers of associated
animal species, we can reckon that these 20 areas surely harbor
one million species (assuming a low planetary total of 5-7 million
species). If present land-use patterns and exploitation trends persist,
there will be little left of these forest tracts except in the form
of degraded remnants by the end of this century or shortly thereafter.
Thus deforestation in these areas alone could well eliminate very
large numbers of species, surely hundreds of thousands, within the
next 20 years at most.34
Looking at the situation another way, we can reckon on the basis
of what we know about plant numbers and distribution, together with
what we can surmise about their associated animal communities, that
almost 20 percent of all species on Earth occur in forests of Latin
America outside of Amazonia, and another 20 percent in forests of
Asia and Africa outside the Zaire Basin.35 All of the forests in
which these species occur may well disappear by the end of this
century, or early in the next at the latest. If only half of the
species in these forests disappear, this will amount to at least
three-quarters of a million species.
How about the prognosis for the longer-term future, to the effect
that eventually we could lose at least one-quarter, possibly one-third,
and conceivably a still larger share of all extant species? Let
us take a quick look at the case of Amazonia.36 If deforestation
continues at present rates (it is likely to accelerate) until the
year 2000, but then were to halt completely, we should anticipate
a loss of about 15 percent of plant species. The calculation behind
this loss figure is entirely reasonable and documentable, based
as it is on the well-established theory of island biogeography37
and abundant evidence of pervasive deforestation patterns in Amazonia.
Were Amazonia's forest cover to be ultimately reduced to those areas
now set aside as parks and reserves, we should anticipate that 66
percent of plant species would eventually disappear, together with
almost 69 percent of bird species and similar proportions of all
other major categories of species.
Of course we may learn how to manipulate habitats to enhance survival
prospects. We may learn how to propagate threatened species in captivity.
We may be able to apply other emergent conservation techniques,
all of which could help to relieve the adverse repercussions of
broadscale deforestation. But in the main, the damage will have
been done. For reasons of island biogeography and of "ecological
equilibriation" (delayed fallout effects), some extinctions
in Amazonia will not occur until well into the 22nd century, or
even further into the future. So a major extinction spasm is Amazonia
is entirely possible, indeed plausible if not probable.
Tropical Forests and Climatic Change
Nor are protected areas likely to provide a sufficient answer,
for reasons that go beyond island biogeography and incorporate a
climatic dimension. In Amazonia, for instance, it is becoming apparent
that if as much as one-half of the forest were to be safeguarded
in some way or another (e.g., through multiple-use conservation
units as well as protected areas), but the other half of the forest
were to be "developed out of existence," there could soon
be at work a hydrological feedback mechanism that would allow a
good part of Amazonia's moisture to be lost to the ecosystem.38
The outcome for the remaining forest would be a steady desiccatory
process, until the forest became more like a woodland - with all
that would mean for the species communities that are adapted to
forest habitats. Even with a set of forest safeguards of exemplary
type and scope, Amazonia's biotas would be more threatened than
Still more widespread climatic changes, with yet more marked impact,
are likely to emerge within the foreseeable future. By the first
quarter of the next century we may well be experiencing the climatic
dislocations of a planetary warming stemming from buildup up carbon
dioxide39 and other "greenhouse gases" in the global atmosphere.
The consequences for protected areas will be pervasive and profound.
The present network of protected areas has been established in accordance
with present-day needs. The current goal is to ensure that all biotic
provinces, some 200 of them altogether, are represented. Many biomes
still lack adequate representation. Indeed a consensus of professional
opinion suggests that the total expanse of protected areas needs
to be increased at least three times, or to about five million square
miles, if it is to constitute a representative sample of Earth's
ecosystems.40 Of tropical forests, at least 10 percent and possibly
20 percent should be protected, but to date well under 5 percent
have been afforded protection of any sort - and of such parks as
exist, a good number are "paper parks."
But even if sufficient areas were to be set aside for protection
of all wildlife communities and threatened species, their viability
would soon be threatened as vegetation zones, in the wake of broadscale
climatic change, start to "migrate" away from the Equator
- with all manner of disruptive repercussions for natural environments.
In short, the present global network of protected areas, even with
additions, may prove incapable of meeting newly emergent needs,
even as soon as the next few decades. Present-day planners of parks
and reserves should urgently seek to adapt their policies and programs
accordingly.41 Regrettably only one major body, the Conservation
Foundation, is addressing the issue in substantive fashion.
These, then, are some dimensions of the extinction spasm that we
can reasonably assume will overtake the planet's biotas within the
next few decades (unless of course we do a massively better job
of conservation; see below). In effect we are conducting an irreversible
experiment of global scale with the myriad array of species that
we are fortunate to share the planet with-and we are I conducting
our experiment with scarcely a thought for what we are doing.
Economic Values at Stake
We might be better inclined to give more thought to the issue if
we were to consider some economic values at stake.42 For sure, there
are all manner of other reasons why we should be concerned - more
pertinent in principle, less productive in practice. Among these
many other reasons there are the biological, ecological and genetic
attributes of species, together with their aesthetic, cultural and
ethical values, that will surely count more in the long run than
those attributes that may well help the threatened-species cause
in the immediate future.43 But the economic values inherent in species,
especially in their genetic materials, provide an "instant
rationale" that should help carry the day during the next few
decades - particularly in the tropics, which, with at least two-thirds
of all species and a still greater proportion of threatened species,
is roughly coextensive with the Third World. Developing nations
usually lack the conservation resources, that is the scientific
skills, institutional capabilities and funds, to safeguard their
species stocks. To the extent that species can be enabled to "pay
their way in the marketplace," their prospects for survival
are enhanced.
From the morning cup of coffee to evening nightcap of drinking
chocolate, we benefit at multiple points in our daily lifestyles
from species and their genetic resources. Without knowing it, we
utilize hundreds of products each day that owe their origin to wild
plants and animals. Our daily bread, for instance. The corn and
wheat crops of North America, like those of Europe and other major
grain-growing regions, have been made bountiful principally through
the efforts of crop breeders rather than through huge amounts of
fertilizers and pesticides - and crop breeders are increasingly
dependent on genetic materials from wild relatives of wheat and
corn. In common with all agricultural crops, the productivity of
modern corn and wheat is sustained through constant infusions of
germplasm. Thanks to this regular "topping up" of the
genetic constitution of the United States' main crops, the U.S.
Department of Agriculture estimates that germplasm contributions
lead to increases in productivity that average around one percent
annually, with a farm-gate value well over $1 billion (1980 values).44
To this extent, then, we enjoy our daily bread by partial grace
of the genetic variability that we find in wild relatives of modern
crop plants.
And "we" means each and every one of us. Whether we realize
it or not, we enjoy the exceptional productivity of modern corn
each time we read a magazine. Since cornstarch is used in the manufacture
of sizing for paper, the reader of this paper is enjoying corn by
virtue of the "finish" of the page he or she is looking
at right now. The same cornstarch contributes to our lifestyles
each time we put on a shirt or blouse. Cornstarch likewise contributes
to glue, so we benefit from corn each time we mail a letter. And
the same applies, through different applications of corn products,
whenever we wash our face, apply cosmetics, take aspirin or penicillin,
chew gum, eat ice cream (or jams, jellies, catsup, pie fillings,
salad dressings, marshmallows, or chocolates), and whenever we take
a photograph, draw with crayons, or utilize explosives. Corn products
also turn up in the manufacture of tires, in the moulding of plastics,
in drilling for oil, in the electroplating of iron, and in the preservation
of human blood plasma.
Hence the value of the wild corn recently discovered in a montane
forest of south-central Mexico.45 This plant is the most primitive
known relative of modern corn; at the time of its discovery it was
surviving in only three tiny patches covering a mere 10 acres -
a habitat that was threatened with imminent destruction by squatter
cultivators and commercial loggers. The wild species turns out to
be a perennial, unlike all other forms of corn which are annuals.
Now that it has been cross-bred with established commercial varieties
of corn, it opens up the prospect that corn growers could be spared
the seasonal expense of ploughing and sowing, since the plant would
spring up again of its own accord like grass or daffodils.
Even more important, the wild corn offers resistance to at least
four of eight major viruses and mycoplasmas that have hitherto baffled
corn breeders.46 These four diseases cause at least a one-percent
loss to the world's corn harvest each year, worth more than $500
million. Equally to the point, the wild corn, discovered at elevations
between 7,500 and 10,000 feet, is adapted to habitats that are cooler
and damper than established cornlands. This offers scope to expand
the cultivation range of corn by as much as one--tenth. All in all,
the genetic benefits supplied by this wild plant, surviving in the
form of no more than a few thousand last stalks, could total several
billion dollars per year.47
Wild species likewise contribute to our health needs. Each time
we take a prescription from our doctor to the neighborhood pharmacy
there is one chance in two that our purchase - whether an antibiotic,
tranquilizer, diuretic, laxative, or contraceptive pill - owes its
origin to startpoint materials from wild organisms.48 The commercial
value of these medicines and drugs in the United States now amounts
to some $ 14 billion a year.49 If We extend the arithmetic to all
nations, and include nonprescription materials plus pharmaceuticals,
the commercial value tops $40 billion a year.
As a specific example of a plant source of drugs, let us note the
rosy periwinkle, a plant originally from Madagascar's forests. The
periwinkle habors alkaloids that yield two potent therapies against
Hodgkin's disease, leukemia and other blood cancers. Commercial
sales of the two drugs now total more than $150 million per year.
When we assess the economic benefits too, viz. workers' productivity
time saved and the like, we find the value to American society alone
can be estimated at more than $300 million per year. According to
the National Cancer Institute,50 there could well be another five
plants in Amazonia alone with capacity to generate superstar drugs
against cancer. This clarifies for us the data presented above on
projected plant extinctions in Amazonia. Let us recall that Madagascar's
forests, the periwinkle's native habitat, are now 93 percent destroyed,
with over half their species presumed lost or about to be lost.
We also derive many industrial benefits from wildlife.51 Plants
and animals already serve the needs of the butcher, the baker, the
candlestick maker, and many others. As technology advances in a
world growing short of many things except shortages, industry's
needs for new raw materials expands with every passing day. Wildlife-derived
materials contribute by way of gums and exudates, essential oils
and ethereal oils, resins and oleoresins, dyes, tannins, vegetable
fats and waxes, insecticides, and multitudes of other biodynamic
compounds. Many wild plants bear oil-rich seeds with potential for
the manufacture of fibers, detergents, starch, and eral edibles
- even for an improved form of golf ball.
Still more important, a few plant species contain hydrocarbons
rather than carbohydrates, and as we all know, hydrocarbons are
what make petroleum petroleum.52 A number of wild plant species
appear to be candidates for "petroleum plantations." As
luck would have it, certain of these plants can flourish in areas
that have been rendered useless through, for example, strip-mining.
Hence we have the prospect that land that has been degraded by extraction
of hydrocarbons from beneath the surface could be rehabilitated
by growing hydrocarbons above the surface. Moreover, a petroleum
plantation need never run dry as an oil well does.
We enjoy these myriad products after scientists have underi taken
only a superficial examination of the genetic resources available
to us from wild species. In fact, scientists have taken a look at
only 10 percent of all plant species, and they have taken a close
look at only one percent. Well might we assert, then, that Earth's
stock of species, with the genetic materials they harbor, represent
some of the most valuable raw materials with which we can confront
the unknown challenges of the future.
Fortunately we can look forward to expanding our use of wild genetic
resources, thanks to the burgeoning industry of bioengineering and
its associated technologies. Genes are the hereditary materials
of each species' makeup; we can isolate and manipulate them. So
the emergent field of bioengineering places a premium on a broad
array of genetic variability. This throws new light on the phenomenon
of extinction, which, to cite Professor Tom Eisner of Cornell University,53
"no longer means the simple loss of one volume from the library
of nature. It means the loss of a loose-leaf book whose individual
pages, were the species to survive, would remain available in perpetuity
for selective transfer and improvement of other species."
Thanks to bioengineering it is becoming plain that in the field
of agriculture the Green Revolution is being superceded by a still
more revolutionary phenomenon, the Gene Revolution. This is a breakthrough
in agricultural technology that may soon enable us to harvest crops
from deserts, farm tomatoes in seawater, grow super-potatoes in
many localities that have hitherto remained off limits, and enjoy
entirely new crops such as a "pomato." In fact the sophisticated
techniques of genetic engineering may even be bringing us closer
to the day when we can send many more people to bed with a full
A similar prospect applies with respect to medicine, where we can
look forward to one advance after another to match the discovery
of penicillin. Medical pioneers foresee more innovative advances
during the last two decades of this century than during the previous
two centuries. As for industry, our creative applications of the
gene reservoirs of wild species may soon make our present industrial
scene appear like a hangover from the Stone Age. In short, we may
steadily find ourselves becoming more prosperous in our daily welfare,
more sophisticated in our technological know-how, and more sensitive
in our use of Earth's renewable resources, by virtue of a new "discover
nature" movement.
Repercussions for the Future of Evolution
But the foreseeable fallout of species within the next few decades
is far from the entire story. A longer term, and ultimately more
serious repercussion could lie with a disruption to the course of
evolution, insofar as speciation processes will have to work with
a greatly reduced pool of species. We are probably being optimistic,
moreover, when we call it a disruption. A more likely outcome is
that certain evolutionary processes will be suspended or even terminated.
The forces of natural selection can work only with the "resource
base" available.54 If that base is drastically reduced, the
result could be disruption of the creative capabilities of evolution,
persisting far into the future. To cite the graphic phrasing of
Soule and Wilcox,55 "Death is one thing; an end to birth is
something else." From what little we can discern from the geologic
record, the "bounce-back" time may require millions of
years. After the dinosaur crash, for instance, between 50,000 and
100,000 years elapsed before there started to emerge a set of diversified
and specialized biotas; a further 5 to 10 million years went by
before there were bats in the skies and whales in the seas. Following
the crash during the late Permian when marine invertebrates lost
about half their families, it took as much as 20 million years before
the survivors could establish even half as many families as they
had lost.
But the evolutionary outcome this time around could prove yet more
drastic. The critical factor lies with the likely loss of key environments.
Not only do we appear set to lose most if not virtually all of the
tropical forest biome. There is progressive depletion of tropical
coral reefs, wetlands, estuaries, and other biotopes with exceptional
abundance and diversity of species and with unusual complexity of
ecological workings. These environments have served in the past
as preeminent "powerhouses" of evolution, meaning that
they have thrown up more species than other environments. It has
long been thought56 that virtually every major group of vertebrates
and many other large categories of animals originated in spacious
zones with warm, equable climates, notably the Old World tropics,
and especially their forests. It has likewise been supposed that
the rate of evolutionary diversification - whether through proliferation
of species or through emergence of major new adaptations - has been
greatest in the tropics, especially in tropical forests.57 In addition,
tropical species, especially tropical forest species, appear to
persist for only brief periods of geological time, which implies
a high rate of evolution.
Of course tropical forests have been severely depleted in the past.
During drier phases of the late Pleistocene they have been repeatedly
reduced to only a small fraction, occasionally as little as one-tenth,
of their former expanse. Moreover tropical biotas seem to have been
unduly prone to extinction.58 But the remnant forest "refugia"
usually contained sufficient stocks of surviving species to recolonize
suitable territories when moister conditions returned.59 Within
the foreseeable future, by contrast, it seems all too possible that
most tropical forests will be reduced to much less than one-tenth
of their former expanse, and their pockets of "holdout species"
will be so much less stocked with potential colonizers.
Furthermore, the species depletion will surely apply across most
if not all major categories of species. This is almost axiomatic
if extensive environments are eliminated wholesale. So the result
will contrast sharply with the end of the Cretaceous, when not only
placental mammals survived (leading to the adaptive radiation of
mammals, eventually including man), but also birds, amphibians,
and crocodiles and many other nondinosaurian reptiles. In addition
the present extinction spasm looks likely to eliminate a sizable
share of terrestrial plant species, at least one-fifth within the
next half century and a good many more within the following half
century. During most mass-extinction episodes of the prehistoric
past, by contrast, terrestrial plants have survived with relatively
few losses.60 They have thus supplied a resource base on which evolutionary
processes could start to generate replacement animal species forthwith.
If this biotic substrate is markedly depleted within the foreseeable
future, the restorative capacities of evolution will be diminished
all the more.
At the same time of course, a mega-extinction episode could trigger
an outburst of speciation in some categories of species. A certain
amount of "creative disruption," in the form of, e.g.,
habitat fragmentation, can readily lead to splitting off of populations,
followed by differentiation and termination of inter-breeding, so
that a population becomes distinctive enough to rank as a new race,
then a subspecies, finally a species. Equally important, mass extinction
leaves a multitude of niches vacant, allowing a few species to expand
and then to diversify. Through these forms of creative disruption,
we can discern incipient speciation in, for instance, the house
sparrow and the coyote in the United States, both of which have
developed several distinctive races, even subspecies.
But a marked acceleration of speciation through these processes
will not remotely match the scale of extinctions. Whereas extinction
can occur in just a few decades, and sometimes in a mere year or
so (a valley in a tropical forest with a pocket of endemic invertebrates
can be converted into pastureland within a single season), the time
required to produce a new species is much longer. It takes decades
for outstandingly capable contenders such as certain insects, centuries
if not millennia for many other invertebrates, and hundreds of thousands
or even millions of years for most mammals.
Among the reduced stock of species that survives the present extinction
episode will surely be a disproportionate number of opportunistic
species. These species rapidly exploit newly vacant niches (by making
widespread use of food resources), are generally short-lived (with
brief gaps between generations), feature high rates of population
increase, and are adaptable to a wide range of environments. All
of these traits enable them to exploit new environments and to make
excellent use of "boom periods" - precisely the attributes
that enable opportunistic species to prosper in a human-disrupted
world. Examples include the house sparrow, the European starling,
the housefly, the rabbit, and the rat, plus, many other pest species,
together with many "weedy" plants. Not only are they harmful
to humans' material needs, but they foster a homogenization of biotas
by squeezing out less adaptable species. The house sparrow in North
America is usurping the niches of bluebirds, wrens and swallows,
while the herring gull in northwestern Europe is adversely affecting
the rarer terns.
While generalist species are profiting from the coming crash, specialist
species, notably predators and parasites, will probably suffer disproportionately
higher losses. This is because their lifestyles are often more refined
than the generalists', and their numbers are usually much smaller
anyway. Since the specialists are often the creatures that keep
down the populations of generalists, there" may be little to
hold the pests in check. Today probably less than five percent of
all insect species deserve to be called pests. But if extinction
patterns tend to favor clever species, the upshot could soon be
a situation where these species increase until their natural enemies
can no longer control them. In short, our descendants could shortly
find themselves living in a world with a "pest and weed"
These, then, are some of the issues for us to bear in mind as we
begin to impose a fundamental shift on evolution's course. The,
biggest factor by far is that as we proceed on our impoverishing
way, we give scarcely a moment's thought to what we are doing.
If we were to ponder it a bit more, would this be truly what we
want? Unfortunately we are "deciding " without even the
most superficial reflection - deciding all too unwittingly, yet
effectively and increasingly. The impending upheaval in evolution's
course could rank as one of the greatest biological revolutions
of paleontological time. In scale and significance, it could equal
the development of aerobic respiration, the emergence of flowering
plants, and the arrival of limbed animals. But whereas these three
departures if life's course rank as advances, the prospective depletion
of many evolutionary capacities will rank as a distinctive setback.
In short, the future of evolution should be regarded as one of
the most challenging problems that humankind has ever encountered.
After all, we are the first species ever to be able to look out
upon the biosphere and to decide whether we would remake part of
it - to consciously determine the future course of evolution.
What Shall We Do?
There are many conservation initiatives available to us. Here we
shall concentrate on just a couple, these being central to future
conservation strategies, yet receiving all too little attention.
1. A Triage Strategy for Threatened Species
Given the scale of the extinction problem, we cannot possibly help
all species at risk. We have limited resources at our disposal,
in the form of finance, scientific skills and the like. Even if
these resources were to be increased several times over, we could
not hope to save more than a proportion of all species that appear
doomed to disappear. The processes of habitat disruption have developed
too much momentum to be halted in short order. So when we allocate
funds to safeguard one species, we automatically deny those funds
to other species. This means that we perforce allocate our conservation
resources, and thereby assign priority to certain species in preference
to others. We choose unconsciously rather than deliberately. But
we choose.
Already we support only a small fraction of all species at risk.
We shall soon find ourselves in a situation where we can assist
still fewer in relation to overall needs - and thereby we shall
willy-nilly be placing a still greater premium on some species rather
than others.
This raises a key question. How are we to allocate our scarce conservation
resources in a most efficient fashion in order to safeguard the
"most deserving" species? In the view of some observers,
we have already reached a stage where there is merit in determining
which species are most worthy of a continued place on the planet.
Agonizing as it will be to make such choices, we need to make our
conservation strategy as logically selective as possible. In other
words, our erstwhile approach needs to be made more systematic if
we are to get the best return on each scarce conservation dollar
Hitherto, and for lack of clearer insight, we have been obliged
to make our choices haphazardly rather than methodically. We have
tended to support those species that receive the most public attention.
As a result, we focus on species that are well known to science,
that are recognized as threatened, and that generally offer some
measure of popular appeal. By contrast, species with a less glamorous
image, such as creepy-crawly insects and prickly plants, receive
far less attention. Species that have not yet been documented in
detail by science and whose survival prospects are therefore a mystery
receive all too little attention, even though they comprise the
great bulk of all species. Thus present conservation strategies
imply, albeit without deliberate intent, that the vast majority
of Earth's species are insufficiently worthy of safeguard efforts.
Yet it is among the "unconsidered majority" that most
extinctions are now occurring.
This is not to deny of course that all species possess an equal
right to exist in principle,61 and that they should be enabled to
enjoy that right in practice. But in the world as it works - a world
that does not always recognize ethical imperatives - conservationists
increasingly have to make choices, unusually tough choices at that.
How, then, shall we best choose? We could make a start through
systematic analysis of biological factors, such as those that make
some species more susceptible to extinction than others; for example,
sensitivity to habitat disruption, or poor reproductive capacity.
Then we could move on to consider ecological factors; for example,
do some species, or categories of species, contribute more to their
ecosystems than others? Plus genetic attributes; for example, which
species, or categories of species, reveal greatest genetic variability?
Having covered the life-sciences aspects, we could evaluate social-sciences
aspects-economic, political, legal and socio-cultural concerns.
When we integrate all the various factors that tell for and against
a species, or a category of species, we shall have a clearer idea
of where we can best apply our conservation muscle.62
This priority-ranking approach, sometimes known as a triage strategy
(from the French word "trier," to sort), is exploratory
in both scope and intention. Far from seeking to establish quantification
of all critical parameters, it tries to touch base with all relevant
sets of values in order to illuminate an unduly confused situation.
It is orderly rather than haphazard, and it enables conservationists
to make more productive use of their limited finances and skills,
How would triage work out in a specific instance? With regard to
the California condor, we need to ask not only whether X million
dollars will give the bird a Y-percent chance of survival. We must
also ask whether the same funds could be better spent on other species
in trouble.63 They could be used to assist dozens of other U.S.
species; e.g., freshwater mollusks (half of which are threatened),
with a 90 percent chance of success. If the sum were applied in
tropical forests it could help hundreds if not thousands of species
with a 100 percent chance of success (for the time being, at any
rate). But of course these other species do not enjoy a fraction
of the charisma of the condor. To the extent that public opinion
is a predominant factor in conservation planning, a democratic society
must take cognizance of it. What we need, then, is broadscale discussion
of whether the funds are best spent on the condor. Yet in all the
debate that has raged on the condor question there has been next
to no analysis of whether we could not spend the funds better elsewhere.
Triage means that many hard, even harsh decisions will have to
be made. Nobody cares for the prospect of consigning certain species
to oblivion - though that would not be done deliberately. Rather
it would be the result of using conservation resources to best advantage.
In any case, we are already consigning species to oblivion in appalling
numbers. So we might as well do the job with as much selective discretion
as we can muster. In other words, we should make our choices among
species explicitly rather than implicitly; we should determine the
future of species by design rather than by default.
Furthermore, the triage concept can be applied at ecosystem level.
Plainly certain ecological zones are biotically richer than others.
By safeguarding sectors of these zones, conservationists accomplish
more in terms of saving total numbers of species than through safeguarding
much larger zones in biotically depauperate zones. As we have noted,
this consideration applies especially to tropical forests, a zone
that should receive top ranking on any conservationist's list of
priorities on the grounds that the forests offer best return per
scarce conservation dollar invested. To this extent conservationists
can finesse the dilemmas of species ranking by directing greater
attention to protection of entire communities of species, indeed
to the protection of entire ecosystems. True, this expanded approach
is already proclaimed by conservationists. But all too often it
is observed more in principle than in practice, since the bulk of
efforts still tend to be directed at individual species rather than
communities or ecosystems.
Yet when we pitch our response at the broader-scope level of communities
and ecosystems we are still faced with agonizing choices. How do
we choose between those communities and ecosystems where rescue
operations would be very appropriate, highly helpful or super-important,
and those where they are simply essential, given that we cannot
afford to rescue the whole lot? How should we rank, say, patches
of tropical forests, coral reefs and wetlands in order of priority?
A difficult decision indeed. Of course the choice need not necessarily
be broached in this perplexing form. Were all conservation resources
to be directed at these three ecological zones alone, on the grounds
that they constitute clear priorities ahead of the rest of the field,
we would probably not have to make choices between them, since our
resources would then be sufficient to do a much better job on each
of the three categories. Alas, that is not the way the world works,
and the great bulk of conservation funds originating mainly in rich
nations of the temperate zones continues to be spent on near-to-home
needs, to the detriment of far greater needs in the tropics.
Above all, let us remember that ever since the start of the save-species
movement we have been making choices between species, The expanded
strategy proposed here amounts to nothing new. Rather, it proposes
a more methodical approach to the selection process. The question
is not, "Shall we, now attempt to apply triage?" It is
"How shall we apply triage to better advantage?"
2. Shift in Research Emphasis
While waiting for more funds to become available there is much
we could do through greater research emphasis on some key questions
- and these comments are directed specifically toward academic institutions
such as the University of California at Berkeley. Many of the fundamental
issues remain virtually unaddressed. Yet in 50 years' time, and
supposing that not enough is done to stem the attrition of species,
will academics not ask why, in the mid-1980s when we knew what was
going on, we did not leap to plug some of the major research gaps?
And will we then respond that we had other priorities, such as the
10, 00 1st piece of research on the white-tailed deer, this being
a species that, far from being threatened, flourishes like a weed,
and on which at least $ 10 million of research funds have already
been spent since 1950?64
Thus the problem is not only an outright shortage of funds. So
what else is missing? Well, let us reflect again that we inhabit
the biosphere at a time when it is undergoing perhaps its most traumatic
upheaval in all its four billion years. This is not only a fearful
time, it is an exhilarating time. If Charles Darwin could have chosen
any other era to live, surely he would choose the present one as
a time when we are undertaking a biological experiment of uniquely
grand scale and profound repercussions, and with uniquely abundant
scope for pioneering research. And if Darwin were alive today, would
he not head straight for the tropics (regardless of those famous
logistical problems - there were plenty of those in 1850), as the
place to grapple with leading biological questions and as the place
to make the biggest research breakthroughs fastest?
Would he not, for instance, make for Lake Malawi, which as we have
seen, is a veritable cauldron of evolutionary activity, yet virtually
untouched in terms of substantive scientific research? Or would
he not go off to the eastern slopes of the Andes where he would
find, in just the 6,000-square mile Manu Park, at least 200 mammal
species (more than in the United States and Canada), 900 bird species
(more than one in ten of all on Earth), and 8,000 plant species
(almost half as many as in the 500-times-larger Australia)? Or might
he prefer the Panamanian isthmus, where the recently divided marine
communities offer scope for evolutionary studies of a quantity and
quality that far surpass whatever was on offer in the Galapagos
Islands? Or would he prefer to tackle Tsavo Park in Kenya, or one
of the other Vermont-sized parks in savannah Africa where formerly
abundant elephant numbers have recently crashed because of drought
and ivory poaching, whereupon the vegetation communities are bouncing
back with remarkable vigor and variety - a superscale exercise in
plant-animal relations that in terms of the exceptionally dynamic
interactions involved, plus the telescoped intensity of the process,
must be all but unprecedented in modem biology? This is surely a
phenomenon so exceptional that in many respects it would be exceeded
only by the appearance in these elephant lands of a mammoth. Yet
it is a phenomenon largely unrecorded and unregretted by the scientific
What research topics, apart from the items indicated above, deserve
urgent attention with respect to the anticipated mass-extinction
event? Herewith a few candidate themes by way of illustration, these
being items that have not received nearly enough attention to date.
1. Differentiated fallout rates: Between biomes and regions and
between species at various taxonomic levels, also between clades
(monophyletic evolutionary lineages).
2. Linked extinctions: What prospect is there that a mass-extinction
process will feed on itself through mechanisms that, by virtue of
the integrative workings of ecosystems (especially of the more species-rich
and complex ecosystems of the tropics), can trigger a domino effect
of extinctions, can even precipitate "cascades of extinctions"?65
3. Diversity and integrity of nature: In light of the possible
threat of linked extinctions on large scale, should we consider
a switch in our conservationist emphasis, from seeking to safeguard
the diversity of nature to trying instead to preserve the integrity
of nature?66 Can we always be so sure that an optimum number of
species must necessarily be the same as a maximum number of species?
4. Insights from the past: What can the past tell us about the
future, both the immediate and the longer-term future? At times
of mass extinction in the prehistoric past, traits such as broad
geographic range of constituent species and high species richness
do not appear to have been of much help to communities. Conversely,
traits such as broad geographic deployment of entire lineages have
served to enhance survival rates.67 In addition, endemics have been
hit even harder than might have been expected.
5. Recovery period: What does the past reveal about the potential
bounce-back time required in the wake of the present mass-extinction
event, before evolutionary processes come up with an abundance and
variety of species to match those of today? How far will there be
an "end to birth" hiatus?
6. Survivors of mass extinctions: As well as telling us much about
the victims of mass-extinction events, what does the past tell us
about the survivors? With a better grasp of the biological, ecological
and geographical attributes that enable taxa to survive phases of
biotic crisis, we may gain a clearer insight into the community
makeup of biotas that are likely to come through the present extinction
episode. In addition, it might throw light on the question of differentiated
fallout rates for K- and r-selected species, with ecological repercussions
in terms of a putative "pest and weed" aftermath.
7. Conservation in practice: What save-species-management techniques
may become available to us, while little investigated to date, such
as man-directed species packing? What scope is there for manipulation
of gene pools in order to maintain minimum viability? What other
innovative tactics deserve urgent investigation?
8. The greenhouse effect and other climatic dislocations: In the
light of their critical consequences for protected-area strategies,
what responses should we eventually consider in the form of, e.g.,
exceptional adaptiveness in wildland management?
9. The question of a triage strategy: How valid is it in principle,
how applicable in practice? What criteria shall we invoke, what
parameters shall we seek to quantify?
10. The economics of threatened species: Virtually virgin territory,
yet critical to the rational planning of future conservation strategies.
What are species worth to us, now and into the indefinite future?
What are we willing, and what should we be willing, to pay to preserve
species? Often enough the cost-benefit ratio of save-species efforts
are highly positive, though this is rarely articulated in practice
and hence rarely taken into account.68 Economists might also look
more at risk-reduction analysis, especially in those many circumstances
where it is impossible to quantify benefits, whereupon it can be
useful to apply an "insurance premium" approach. That
is, to ask how much it will cost to build a safety net under the
threatened species in question and then to assess whether the cost
is socially acceptable.
When these various items receive the attention they urgently warrant,
we shall be well on the way to developing a new discipline - that
of conservation biology - with the predictive capacity that characterizes
a coherent field of science.70
The Issue Awakening: Signs of Hope
In face of a bleak situation there are signs - a few signs, no
more and no less - that this long-asleep issue is awakening. At
last, at long glorious last. While the extinction threats have been
growing larger faster, so too has public awareness been growing
apace around the world. Mass extinction of species is no longer
seen as a preoccupation of cutesy-creature enthusiasts and eco-freaks.
It is starting to be perceived as a phenomenon that carries pragmatic
implications for all citizens around the world, now and for generations
to come.
A few examples illustrate the outburst of public awareness. In
Kenya the wildlife clubs have gone from strength to strength since
their startup in the late 1960s, until the network of school clubs
now totals more than 1,300, with around 70,000 members. In Indonesia
there are some 400 conservation groups of one sort or another. They
have banded together under the banner of the Indonesian Environmental
Forum until they exert sizable political leverage with the Minister
for Environment, Dr. Emil Salim (a Berkeley graduate), even with
President Soeharto. In the United States membership of the World
Wildlife Fund has expanded from 58,000 in 1981 to 172,000 in 1985,
while annual donations have soared from under $4 million to almost
$14 million.
In response to this broad-scale grass-roots interest, governments
have been moving to help their threatened species. They have been
doing so primarily through additional protected areas. Today the
worldwide network totals more than 1.6 million square miles, roughly
equivalent to the United States east of the Mississippi. Since 1970
the network has expanded in extent by more than 80 percent, around
two-thirds of which has occurred in the Third World.
It is the new-found interest of governments that is especially
encouraging - notably on the part of the government of the United
States. In 1980 Secretary of State Edmund Muskie asserted that the
question of genetic resources, among other environmental issues,
was becoming a matter of national security for the United States.71
In 1981 the State Department convened an International Strategy
Conference on Biological Diversity (meaning biological depletion).
In 1983 Congress passed the International Environment Protection
Act, which requires the government, through its foreign aid programs
among other activities, to take special account of species communities
and gene reservoirs around the world. Congress continues to pursue
the issue through further legislative measures.
By comparison with the needs of the situation, this can all be
viewed as far too little and far too late. But it is a start - or
at least a start on a start - toward recognizing one of the great
steeper issues of our time, and seeing it in its proper scope. There
is the first glimmering of an idea among the public at large that
we are becoming unwitting witnesses of the greatest enduring intrusion
we can make in our biosphere, short of all-out nuclear war followed
by all-out nuclear winter - and whereas nuclear war still remains
only a possibility, mass extinction is fast becoming a fact. Of
all the environmental assaults we are imposing on the Earth, mass
extinction will amount to the most pervasive and profound, and by
far the most persistent. After all, it is intrinsically irreversible,
which puts it in a class apart from deforestation, desertification
and other environmental assaults. True, we shall need awhile to
regenerate tropical f6rests - supposing we ever want to give it
a try - probably hundreds of years, possibly thousands of years
before they are restored to full vitality. But a mass-extinction
episode of the sort now underway will not be made good for millions
of years, perhaps tens of millions.
Furthermore, until very recently, we have remained more indifferent
to mass extinction than to any other environmental assault. All
the more, then, we can now take credit for starting on a response
to the situation. If the prospect of a suitable-size response seems
daunting, we should remind ourselves that the first great waves
of extinctions are only beginning to wash over the Earth's biotas.
There is nothing inevitable about a mass extinction ahead of us.
We can still save species, and save them in immense numbers. This
is much more than has ever been available to any other community.
Hitherto it has been something of a cachet for a biologist to have
a newly-discovered species named after him. The time may soon arrive
when the latter-day biologist can go one far better. He can have
a species named after him by virtue of his having saved it from
oblivion - indeed the same, readily enough, for large numbers of
Should we not consider ourselves fortunate that we, alone among
generations, are being given the chance to support the right to
life of a large share of our fellow species - even to safeguard
the creative capacities of evolution itself? This generation is
confronted with an exceptional challenge, the challenge of saving
species in their millions. Ours is the sole generation to be so
favored. No generation in the past has faced the prospect of mass
extinction within its lifetime; the problem has never existed before.
No generation in the future will ever face a similar challenge:
if this present generation fails to get to grips with the task,
the damage will have been done and there will be no "second
try". So should we not count ourselves privileged that we are
afforded the opportunity to safeguard species in their millions?
If we get on with the job, will not people in the future - for many
generations into the distant future - look upon us as giants of
the human condition? Will they not say of us that we recognized
the scale of the challenge, that we saw it not only as a problem
but also as an opportunity, and that we measured up to the task
in a way that must have made us feel ten feet tall?
What a time to be alive!
back to top
References and Notes
1 A mass extinction can be defined as a sudden, simultaneous and
pronounced drop in the abundance and diversity of ecologically disparate
groups of organisms. It is substantial in scope and global in scale;
and it occurs within a restricted time-frame. (After D. Jablonski,
1986, Causes and Consequences of Mass Extinction: A Comparative
Approach, in: D.K. Elliott, editor, Dynamics of Extinction: 183-230,
Wiley Interscience, New York.)
2 W Rauh, 1979, Problems of Biological Conservation in Madagascar,
in D. Bramwell, editor, Plants and Islands: 405-421, Academic Press,
London, U. K.
3 A. Rodriguez, 1981, Marine and Coastal Environmental Stress in
the Wider Caribbean Region, Ambio 10: 283-294.
4 B. Komarov, 1980, The Destruction of Nature in the Soviet Union,
Sharpe Publishers, White Plains, N.Y; and P.R. Pryde, 1983, The
Decade of the Environment in the U.S.S.R., Science 220: 274-279.
5 A.V. Hall, B. de Winter, S.F. Fourie and T.H. Arnold, 1984, Threatened
Plants in Southern Africa, Biological Conservation 28: 5-20.
6 D.A. Scott and M. Carbonell, 1985, A Directory of Neotropical
Wetlands, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland.
7 See also P.R., Ehrlich and A.H. Ehrlich, 1982, Extinction, Random
House, New York; N. Myers, 1979, The Sinking Ark, Pergamon Press,
Elmsford, New York; and N. Myers, 1985, Tropical Deforestation and
Species Extinctions: The Latest News, Futures 17: 451-463.
8 A.W Gentry, 1986, Endemism in Tropical Versus Temperate Plant
Communities, in: M.E. Soule, editor, Conservation Biology: Science
of Scarcity and Diversity: 153-181, Sinauer Associates, Sunderland,
9 C.D.N. Bawl and 12 others, 1985, Destruction of Fisheries in
Africa's Lakes, Nature 315: 19-20; and G.C. Coulter, et al., 1986,
Special Features of the African Great Lakes and Their Susceptibility
to the Effects of Human Activities, Bulletin of J.C.B. Smith Institute
of lctheology, Grahamstown, South Africa.
10 W. Alvarez and five others, 1984, Impact Theory of Mass Extinctions
and the Invertebrate Fossil Record, Science 223: 1135-1141.
11 For further discussion, see E. Mayr, 1982, The Growth of Biological
Thought: Diversity, Evolution and Inheritance, Harvard University
Press, Cambridge, Mass.
12 For some analysis and assessment of this point, see P.R. Ehrlich,
1986, The Machinery of Nature, Simon and Schuster, New York.
13 E. Mayr, 1982, see footnote 11 above.
14 For a stimulating review of this subject and related topics,
see G.A. Bartholomew, 1986, The Role of Natural History in Contemporary
Biology, BioScience 36: 324-329. For a more general appraisal, see
G.L. Stebbins, 1977, Processes of Organic Evolution, third edition,
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
15 J.M. Diamond, 1985, How Many Unknown Species Are Yet to be Discovered?
Nature 315: 538-539; P.R. Ehrlich, 1986, see footnote 12 above;
and E.O. Wilson, 1985, The Biological Diversity Crisis, BioScience
35: 700-706.
16 The worldwide total of taxonomists and systematists is actually
declining. There are probably no more than 1500 professionals who
are competent to deal with tropical organisms; and there are exactly
two persons qualified to deal with termites, which are among the
principal insect pests and soil movers of the world (E. 0. Wilson,
1985, see footnote 15 above). In a broader context of professional
expertise, we may note that Colombia, with 25,000 plant species,
has fewer than one dozen trained botanists, while Great Britain,
with much less than one-tenth as many plant species, has more botanists
than plant species for them to look at.
17 For some excellent broad-ranging treatment of the topic, see
O.H. Frankel and M.E. Soule, 1981, Conservation and Evolution, Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, U.K.; and C. M. Schonewald-Cox and
three others, editors, 1983, Genetics and Conservation, Benjamin/Cummings
Publishing Company Inc., Menlo Park, Calif.
18 R. Hinegardner, 1976, Evolution of Genome Size, in F.J. Ayala,
editor, Molecular Evolution: 179 - 199, Sinauer Associates, Sunderland,
19 E.O. Wilson, 1985, The Biological Diversity Crisis: A Challenge
to Science, Issues in Science and Technology 2: 20 -25.
20 R.K. Selander, 1976, Genic Variation in Natural Populations,
in F.J. Ayala, editor, Molecular Evolution: 21- 45, Sinauer Associates,
Sunderland, Mass.
21 E. 0. Wilson, 1971, The Insect Societies, Harvard University
Press, Cambridge, Mass.
22 D.M. Raup and J.J. Sepkoski, 1985, Periodicity of Extinctions
in the Geologic Past, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences
U.S.A. 81: 801-805. See also D.M. Raup and J.J. Sepkoski, 1986,
Periodic Extinction of Families and Genera, Science 231: 833-836.
23 P.R. Ehrlich and A.H. Ehrlich, 1982, see footnote 7 above; N.
Myers, 1979, see footnote 7 above; N. Myers, 1984, The Primary Seam,
W.W. Norton, New York; N. Myers, 1985, see footnote 7 above; and
E.O. Wilson, 1985, see footnote 15 above.
24 Some observers believe that we can get a better idea of the
"big picture" of the extinction rates if we look at families
rather than species. According to the geologic record, the average
"background rate" of extinctions has ranged between 2
and 4.6 animal families per one million years, a figure that can
rise to an average of 19.3 families during a period of mass extinctions
(D.M. Raup and J.J. Sepkoskj, 1985, see footnote 22 above). By contrast,
during the foreseeable future we could well witness the demise of
a sizable share of all families that number several thousands (a
precise acceptable total is difficult to determine, due to differences
of definition). This could conceivably work out at a crude average
of tens of families per decade.
25 T.L. Erwin, 1983, Tropical Forest Canopies: The Last Biotic
Frontier, Bulletin of the Entomological Society of America 29(1):
26 Food and Agriculture Organization and United Nations Environment
Program, 1982, Tropical Forest Resources, Food and Agriculture Organization,
Rome, Italy, and United Nations Environment Program, Nairobi, Kenya;
M. Hadley and J.P. Lanly, 1982, Tropical Forest Ecosystems: Identifying
Differences, Seeing Similarities, Nature and Resources 19(1): 2-19;
J. M. Melillo, et al., 1985, A Comparison of Recent Estimates of
Disturbance in Tropical Forests, Environmental Conservation 12:
37- 40; N. Myers, 1980, Conversion of Tropical Moist Forests (report
to National Academy of Sciences), National Research Council, Washington
D.C.; J. Molofsky C.A.S. Hall and N. Myers, 1986, A Comparison of
Tropical Forest Surveys, Carbon Dioxide Program, Department of Energy,
Washington D.C.; and see N. Myers, 1984, footnote 23 above.
27 P.M. Fearnside and G. de L. Ferreira, 1984, Roads in Rondonia,
Environmental Conservation 11: 358-360; C.J. Tucker, B.N. Holbern
and T.E. Goff, 1984, Intensive Forest Clearing in Rondonia, Brazil,
as Detected by Satellite Remote Sensing, Remote Sensing of the Environment
15: 255-261; and J. Wilson, 1985, Colonization in Rondonia: The
Case of Ariquemis, doctoral dissertation, University of Florida,
Gainesville, Florida.
28 A.H. Gentry, 1982, Patterns of Neotropical Plant Species Diversity,
Evolutionary Biology 15: 1-84.
29 S.A. Mori, B.M. Bloom and G.T. Prance, 1981, Distribution Patterns
and Conservation of Eastern Brazilian Coastal Forest Tree Species,
Brittonia 33(2): 233-245.
30 W. Rauh, 1979, see footnote 2 above.
31 N. Myers, 1985, see footnote 7 above; P.H. Raven, 1985, Statement
from Meeting of IUCN/WWF Plant Advisory Group, Las Palmas, Canary
Islands, 24th 25th November, 1985, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland, and
Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, Missouri.
32 For some preliminary exploration of this theme, see N. Myers,
1985, The End of the Lines, Natural History 94: 2-6.
33 Conservation Monitoring Centre, 1986, Plants in Danger, Conservation
Monitoring Centre (under IUCN), Cambridge, U.K.
34 N. Myers, 1986, Tropical Forests: Areas Ultra-Rich in Species,
Ultra-Threatened with Conversion, (in prep).
35 P.H. Raven, 1985, see footnote 31 above.
36 D. Simberloff, 1986, Are We On the Verge of a Mass Extinction
in Tropical Rain Forests?, in D.K. Elliott, editor, Dynamics of
Extinction: 165-180, Wiley, New York.
37 For some fine examples of latest applications of this theory,
am a good many of the papers in M. E. Soule, editor, 1986. Conservation
Biology: Science of Scarcity and Diversity, Smarter Associates,
Sunderland, Mass.
38 O. Fraenzle, 1979, The Water Balance of the Tropical Rain Forest
of Amazonia and the Effects of Human Impact, Applied Science and
Development 13:88-117; H. Lettau, K. Lettau and L.C.B. Molion, 1979,
Amazonia's Hydrologic Cycle and the Role of Atmospheric Recycling
in Assessing Deforestation Effects, Monthly Weather Review 107:
227-238; and E. Salati and P.B. Vose, 1984, Amazon Basin: A System
in Equilibrium, Science 225: 129-138.
39 B. Bolin, et al., 1986, The Greenhouse Effect: Climatic Change
and Ecosystems, Wiley, New York; U.S. Department of Energy, 1985,
State of the Art Reports on Carbon Dioxide, four books, Carbon Dioxide
Research Division, Department of Energy, Washington D.C.
40 M.E. Soule, 1986, see footnote 37 above; M.E. Soule and B.A.
Wilcox, editors, 1980, Conservation Biology, Sinauer Associates,
Sunderland, Mass. See also J.A. McNeely and K.R. Miller, editors,
1984, National Parks, Conservation and Development: The Role of
Protected Areas in Sustaining Society, Smithsonian Institution Press,
Washington D.C.
41 R.L. Peters and J.D.S. Darling, 1984, The Greenhouse Effect
and Nature Reserves, BioScience 35: 707-717,
42 N. Myers, 1983, A Wealth of Wild Species, Westview Press, Boulder,
Colorado; and M.L. Oldfield, 1984, The Value of Conserving Generic
Resources, National Parks Service, U.S. Department of the Interior,
Washington D.C.
43 N. Myers, 1983, A Priority-Ranking Strategy for Threatened Species?
The Environmentalist 3: 97-120.
44 U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1982, Introduction, Classification,
Maintenance, Evaluation, and Documentation of Plant Germplasm, Agricultural
Research Service, U . S. Department of Agriculture, Washington D.C.
45 H.H. Iltis, J.F. Doebley, R.M. Guzman and B. Pazy, 1979, Zea
diploperennis (Gramineae), a New Teosinte from Mexico, Science 203:
46 L.R. Nault and W.R. Findley, 1981, Primitive Relative Offers
New Traits for Corn Improvement, Ohio Report 66(6): 90-92.
47 A.C. Fisher, 1982, Economic Analysis and the Extinction of Species,
Department of Energy and Resources, University of California, Berkeley,
48 N.R. Farnsworth and D.D. Soejarto, 1985, Potential Consequence
of Plant Extinction in the United States on the Current and Future
Availability of Prescription Drugs, Economic Botany 39: 231-240.
49 N. Myers, 1983, see footnote 42 above.
50 J.A. Duke, 1980, Neotropical Anticancer Plants, Economic Botany
Laboratory, Agricultural Research Service, Beltsville, Maryland.
See also M. Suffness and G.A. Cordell, 1985, Antitumor Alkaloids,
in The Alkaloids 25: 1-355, Academic Press, New York.
51 M.L. Oldfield, 1984, see footnote 42 above; B.C. Palsson and
three others, 1981, Biomass as a Source of Chemical Feedstocks:
An Economic Evaluation, Science 213: 513-517; and L.H. Princen,
1979, New Crop Development for Industrial Oils, Journal of the American
Oil Cbemists' Society 56(9): 845-848.
52 H.M. Benedict, et al., 1979, A Review of Current Research on
Hydrocarbon Production by Plants, Solar Energy Research Institute,
Golden, Colorado; M. Calvin, 1980, Hydrocarbons from Plants; Analytical
Methods and Observations, Naturwissenschaften 67: 525-533; C.W.
Hinman, A. Cooke and R.I. Smith, 1985, Five Potential New Crops
for Arid Lands, Environmental Conservation 12: 309-315; and Sonalysts,
Inc., 1981, Assessment of Plant Derived Hydrocarbons, Report for
Department of Energy, Washington D.C., Sonalysts, Inc., Waterford,
53 T. Eisner, 1983, Chemicals, Genes, and the Loss of Species,
Nature Conservancy News 33(6): 23-24.
54 For some leading literature of recent vintage on evolution,
see N. Eldredge, 1986, Time Frames, Simon and Schuster, New York;
D. Jablonski and D. Raup, editors, 1986, Patterns and Processes
in the History of Life, Springer Verlag, New York; E. Mayr, 1982,
see footnote 11 above; R. Milkman, editor 1982, Perspectives on
Evolution, Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, Mass.; J.W. Pollard,
editor, 1985, Evolutionary Theory, Wiley, New York; and S.M. Stanley,
198 1, The New Evolutionary Timetable, Basic Books Inc., New York.
55 M.E. Soule and B.A. Wilcox, 1980, see footnote 40 above.
56 P.J. Darlington, 1957, Zoogeography: The Geographical Distribution
of Animals, Wiley, New York; and E. Mayr, 1976, Evolution and the
Diversity of Life, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass.
57 N.C. Stenseth, 1984, The Tropics: Cradle or Museum? Oikos 43:
58 D. Jablonski, 1986, Background and Mass Extinctions: The Alternation
of Macroevolutionary Regimes, Science 231: 129-133; see also D.
Jablonski and D.M. Raup, 1986, see footnote 54 above. For a further
first-rate paper on past extinctions, see D.M. Raup, 1986, Biological
Extinction in Earth History, Science 231: 1528-1533.
59 G.T. Prance, editor, 1982, Biological Diversification in the
Tropics, Columbia University Press, New York.
60 A.H. Knoll, 1984, Patterns of Extinction in the Fossil Record
of Vascular Plants, in M.H. Nitecki, editor, Extinctions; 21-68,
University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois.
61 On the ethical dimensions of species preservation, see B. DeVall
and G. Sessions, 1985, Deep Ecology: Living as if Nature Mattered,
Peregrine Smith Books, Layton, Utah; T. Regain, 1983, The Case for
Animal Rights, University of California Press, Berkeley, Calif.;
H. Rolston, 1985, Duties to Endangered Species, BioScience 35: 718-726;
and M. Tobias, 1985, Deep Ecology, Avant Books, San Diego, Calif.
62 For further clarification, see N. Myers, 1983, footnote 43 above.
63 EA. Pitelka, 1981, The Condor Case, An Uphill Struggle in a
Downhill Crush, Auk 98: 634-635
64 R.E. McCabe, 1986, personal communication, letter of February
5th, 1986, Director of Publications, Wildlife Management Institute,
Washington D.C.
65 L.E. Gilbert, 1980, Food Web Organization and Conservation of
Neotropical Diversity, in M.E. Soule and B.A. Wilcox, editors, Conservation
Biology: 11-33, Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, Mass.; and J. Terborgh,
1986, Keystone Plant Resources in the Tropical Forest, in M.E. Soule,
editor, Conservation Biology: Science of Scarcity and Diversity:
330-344, Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, Mass.
66 D. Western, 1987, "Conservation 2 100, " Proceedings
of Conference on Wildlife in the Future, organized by Wildlife Conservation
International, New York Zoological Society, New York (in press).
67 D. Jablonski, 1986, see footnote 58 above.
68 For instance, we can calculate - albeit in rough and ready terms,
and for ilImitative purposes only - the commercial cost in the medicinal
field of allowing a species to become extinct. (Let us bear in mind,
as demonstrated by the case of the Madagascar periwinkle, that the
economic cost is likely to be much greater.) Scientists have so
far conducted detailed examination of only about 5,000 of the 250,000
species (minimum number) of higher plants. Of these 5,000 analyzed,
41 have produced materials that serve our health needs in one way
or another (N.R. Farnsworth and D.D. Soejarto, 1985, footnote 48
above; see also P.P. Principe, 1985, The Value of Biological Diversity
Among Medicinal Plants, Environment Directorate, Organization for
Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, France). These 41 species
now generate commercial sales worldwide each year worth about $40
billion, or an average of almost $1 billion each. (Of course the
genetic materials contribute only a limited part of the eventual
commercial value, which also reflects the costs of collecting wild-plant
tissue, analysis and research, production and marketing, etc. But
the pharmacologist is no better than the raw materials he has to
work with, so even if the genetic contribution represents a small
part of the end-product, it is an essential part.) Let us suppose
the 245,000 species still to be subjected to systematic analysis
were to come up with "winners" at a rate of one for every
122. Let us also accept that at least one plant species in ten is
now threatened, and could well be eliminated by the year 2000 (one
plant species in four could disappear in tropical forests alone
by the year 2050, according to P.H. Raven, 1985, see ref. 31 above).
If these 25,000 threatened species were to offer medicinal potential
at a rate of one in every 122 species, then we should lose 205 species
with materials for drugs. Of course some of the drugs may serve
the same purpose, so there could be some overlap between the benefits
supplied by the species in question; and some of the drugs could
prove to be amenable to synthesis in the laboratory. But in terms
of the "back of an envelope" calculations presented here,
this spasm of plant extinctions could cost us $205 billion each
year in medicinal terms alone. This figure is to be compared with
a crude-estimate cost of expanding our present network of protected
areas until it caters to the needs of the majority (though not the
totality) of all species on Earth, both plants and animals, viz.
some $2 billion a year for ten years.
69 For some notable exceptions to the lack of attention on the
part of social scientists see R.C. Bishop, 1978, Endangered Species
and Uncertainty: Economics of a Safe Minimum Standard, American
Journal of Agricultural Economics 61: 10-18; A.C. Fisher, 1982,
see footnote 47 above; and D.W. Pearce, 1983, The Economic Value
of Genetic Materials: Methodology and Case Illustration, Discussion
paper prepared for the Environment Directorate of the Organization
for Economic Cooperation and Development, University of Aberdeen,
Scotland, U.K.
70 M.E. Soule, 1985, What is Conservation Biology? BioScience 35(11):
727-734. See also M.E. Soule, editor, 1986, footnote 37 above.
71 E.S. Muskie, speech while Secretary of State, June 5th (Environment
Day) 1980, Department of State, Washington D.C.
I thank Professor David Jablonski, University of Chicago, for his
valuable comments on the evolution section of the text; and Steve
Greenwood University of Oxford, for checking through the entire
text and providing many helpful criticisms.
Norman Myers
Norman Myers, our 26th Albright Lecturer, is a consultant in environment
and development. Since 1970 he has worked on the general area of
environment and natural resources, with emphasis on species conservation,
gene resources, and tropical forests, He has conducted this consul
tancy work under the auspices of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund,
US National Academy of Sciences, UN agencies, the World Bank, the
Smithsonian Institution, and a number of conservation organizations.
His main professional interest lies with resource relationships
between the developed and the developing worlds.
Dr. Myers was born in Whitewell, Yorkshire, England. He was a student
at Oxford University, where he completed the M.A. degree in 1957
and received a Diploma in Overseas Administration in 1958. He completed
the Ph.D. degree from the University of California at Berkeley in
1973. Following his university training, Dr. Myers worked on various
consultancy assignments while writing a number of major books in
the field of resource conservation. These include: The Sinking Ark
(1979), which identified the international problem of species extinction;
Conversion of Tropical moist Forests (1980), in which was developed
the first worldwide data base on the conversion of tropical forests;
A Wealth of Wild Species (1983), which covered the variety of wildlife
found in tropical forests; The Primary Source: Tropical Forests
and our Future (1984), which examined the significance of the loss
of the tropical forest gene pool for future evolutionary development
of plant and animal species; and An Atlas of Planet Management (1984),
which covered our planet's resource crises and future prospects.
Dr. Myers' expertise in the area of environment, ecology, and development
has won him both the Gold Medal and the Order of the Golden Ark,
presented by the World Wildlife Fund International. He has also
been honored as a Regents' Lecturer at the University of California
at Santa Barbara, as a Visiting Scholar at the Rockefeller Foundation,
and as a Visiting Fellow with the World Resources Institute, Washington,
D.C. He serves as a Senior Associate with the International Union
for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources in Gland, Switzerland.
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