Threatened World of Nature
Raymond F. Dasmann
Berkeley, California April 29, 1976
What are we talking about when we speak of a threat to the world
of nature? We could go into a long polemic about what is natural
and what is not, and whether humanity is or is not a part of nature.
I am talking, however, about three types of entities: first, wild
species of animals or plants, second, wild communities or ecosystems,
meaning those that are essentially self-sustaining and not much
modified by human activity, and, finally, those human societies
that have developed with and live in a dynamic balance with wild
species and communities.
Status of Wild Species and Communities
What is meant by threatened, or endangered? For certain species
this may easily be comprehended. The California condor, with a population
ranging from 30 to 60 individuals, is clearly endangered. Without
complete protection we would expect the species to disappear in
a relatively few years. Even with protection it is not secure since
small changes in climate or other processes affecting its habitat
could obliterate it. Endangerment is less obvious with those species
that are relatively abundant, such as some of the great whales.
However, we say that they are endangered because with existing rates
of exploitation their numbers and rates of increase are insufficient
to maintain populations at a level where they are secure. The),
probably would not be endangered if the rate of exploitation were
drastically reduced. When we say that tropical rain forests are
on the way to becoming endangered, we are saying essentially that
relatively undisturbed primary rain forests are undergoing severe
alterations and that, if this continues, we will be unable to find
any large areas containing the full combination of plant and animal
species arranged in patterns characteristic of primary rain forests.
Such information does not mean that tropical forests of one kind
or another are necessarily in danger of disappearance, although
this may be true in some areas. It does mean that the old primary
forests are on their way out under the kinds of pressures to which
they are now being subjected, since once they are severely altered
their rates of recovery are slow, and they may in fact be considered
as nonrenewable resources under the conditions that mankind has
been creating. Among human societies the threat is to the fragility
of most ecosystem-dependent, traditionally directed human cultures
when faced with the overwhelming impact of the prevailing global
cultures. When habitat, religious beliefs, or social patterns are
shattered by outside impact, the society falls apart even though
some of the people may survive.
I could spend much time going over the extent to which the natural
world is threatened. It is a task of IUCN to maintain some surveillance
over the status of wild species and communities. We usually find
that results of field surveys show the situation to be worse than
we expected. To give a few examples, we maintain the United Nations
List of National Parks and Equivalent Reserves. There are approximately
1200 protected areas that meet the standards of that list, and some
of them, such as the Greenland National Park of 80 million hectares,
are very large areas. However, this year as a result of various
surveys we are finding it necessary to remove more areas, which
we had previously thought to be well protected, from the list, than
we are adding to the list in the form of new areas where protection
has improved. Lack of protection, new development plans, and the
continuing pressures of population lead to a steady attrition of
national park systems in many parts of the world. Secondly, we maintain
the world Red Data Book of threatened species, but we find that
the status of few species is ever improved enough for them to be
removed from the book whereas each year a number of species must
be added. We also know that our lists are incomplete and likely
to grow at a more rapid rate as more information becomes available.
The situation is particularly severe in many, if not most, of the
Third World countries - so much so that we tend to treat North America
and Europe as relatively secure. But as you know nature conservation
is not assured - not even in California.
Perhaps equally disturbing is the decline in wildlife abundance.
We are rapidly losing the great wildlife masses that once were taken
for granted - the great game herds of Africa or Asia are examples.
We are also losing the sight of seemingly endless vistas of undisturbed
forest or grassy plains inhabited by their full complement of native
fauna and flora. The species may not be endangered, but the feeling
of wilderness has gone, and with it the teeming vitality that once
in past centuries made the world of nature seem secure against human
intervention. Where I am living in Switzerland this seems particularly
relevant, for with the exception of high mountain rocky areas, there
is nothing resembling wilderness. I can drive out into the managed
forests and recreation areas in the Jura Mountains, less than 30
minutes from the towns that ring Lake Geneva, and soon be walking
among roe deer, foxes, and a great variety of smaller animal life.
Yet the feeling of wildness has mostly disappeared; there are none
of the massive mossy forests of the past and most of the larger
and more spectacular animals (wolves, lynxes, bear, red deer, ibex,
chamois) are either not there or uncommon. Those species that have
survived are secure; conservation is effective, but too much has
been lost for a person from western America to feel at home.
Characteristics of Endangered Species
What are some of the characteristics of species that cause them
to end up on the endangered list? First of all seems to be the characteristic
of endemism and isolation. Certainly the largest number of endangered
species, as well as extinct species, are common to oceanic islands
or those isolated islands on land such as high mountains. Secondly,
we find that among animals, and to some degree also among plants,
those species that congregate in large numbers are more vulnerable.
Good examples are the pack or herd animals, and the colonial-nesting
birds. Species that live in small groups or occur as isolated individuals
are more secure. The presence of large numbers of anything in any
one place causes people to consider ways of exploiting such an accessible
potential resource. Thirdly, with the larger animals at least, the
inhabitation of open areas in which the species are highly visible
is especially detrimental. Species of the deserts, grasslands, or
open mountain environments occupy a much longer space in the endangered
lists than those of forests or scrublands. This situation has developed
particularly since mechanized transportation has become generally
available. A fourth characteristic is certainly a genetic rigidity
in relation to either habitat tolerance or behavioral pattern. If
a lion could just forget that he is the "king of the beasts"
and behave like the cougar, the species would have a more secure
future. A fifth is the inhabitation of specialized but relatively
well-known and accessible habitats, among them rivers, lakes and
marshes. My list is hardly exhaustive, but certainly the final and
most fatal characteristic for a species or biotic community is to
exist in an area of rapid human population growth, or one in which
a rapid rate of conventional economic growth is a social goal.
Species that inhabited Europe, North America, Australia, and similar
areas of the so-called developed world, went through a high period
of vulnerability during the period of European settlement and expansion
of human populations and economy. Many became extinct. Now a species
can be considered unfortunate if it lives in those Third World countries
where the pressure of human population is great, or where the governments
are committed to a European-American pattern of rapid economic growth
and are falling for the promises of quick financial returns.
Are we w inning or losing the nature conservation game? To me the
evidence is overwhelming that we are losing it. Not only are we
losing it, but the rate at which we are losing is accelerating.
It is not that we are not trying to win. We spend money in large
quantities to create national parks, provide wardens or equipment
to protect species, or capture and transplant them to new and hopefully
more secure areas, to train professionals in the field of wild land
or wildlife conservation, and to influence policy concerning conservation.
Yet we all feel we are losing ground. Why are we losing? We all
know the conventional answers: the rate of human population growth
4 billion people increasing at 2 percent a year - is putting a growing
strain on all of the earth's resources. Simply providing food, clothing,
housing, and energy for these numbers is an overwhelming job which
leaves little time or space for worrying about nature conservation.
While there is truth in this, it is what I consider a globalist
answer to the problem. A globalist is a person who looks at the
world as though he lived somewhere else - in outer space pet haps.
He reaches down and takes samples, gathers statistics, analyzes
them, and then diagnoses what is wrong with the planet from this
evidence. I think, however, we should get a little more involved.
Conservation and Tradition
Part of the problem is that those who are concerned with nature
have tended to follow a traditional conservation approach. The traditional
conservationist narrows his vision down to those wild species or
areas that are of interest or concern to him. Whether he is a professional
expert or an enthusiastic amateur, his visual scope is limited.
He may find plenty to do in studying the nesting habits of ducks
or the behavior of deer without any confrontation with people who
are determined to drain duck marshes. He probably likes to be respectable
and acceptable to governments and to the Establishment, and welcome
in good society. He does not like to raise embarrassing issues,
since he feels dependent upon the support of rich people or the
government. He certainly does not question the System - the political/social/economic
basis on which his country operates. He may get along quite well
as a fellow professional or club member with those who are destroying
most of the natural world, since his demands are limited, and of
course he recognizes "economic necessity," the needs of
the "real world."
This separation of conservation from so-called real life may be
associated with a feeling of detachment from the conservation issues
themselves. The tradi-tional conservation professional often puts
in his 8 hours a day, gathers his information, prepares his reports,
turns them over to the appropriate agency, usually the state or
national government, and expects them to act. When he goes home
in the evening he becomes just like his neighbors - consuming excessive
amounts of energy, wasting raw materials, living the conventional
life of his society. The traditional conservation amateur may spend
some spare time in the field and join in the pressure on government
to do something about the issues which concern him. The rest of
the time may be spent perhaps in the world of business, doing things
contrary to his avocational interests, and cer-tainly his life style
is not likely to be markedly different from that of his neighbors.
The idea that conservation is a total way of life has usually not
occurred to the traditional conservationist. Conservation is considered
the responsibility of the powers that be - the city, county, state,
or national government.
Admittedly the traditional approach to conservation has produced
results. It works well enough when there is space enough and time,
and when areas can be set aside, or worthwhile laws enacted, which
do not really threaten any major vested interest. When space and
resources become more scarce and the pressure to exploit grows more
intense, the nice guy, fellow professional becomes less effective.
Admittedly it is easier for a conservationist to put on the protective
coloring of the society so that he can mingle more easily with those
whose attitudes or policies he is trying to affect. It is difficult,
in our society, to wean oneself from the prevailing ways of doing
things: eating junk food from the supermarket, wasting energy, wasting
raw materials, consuming unnecessary trivia that the market is pushing
at us daily. I am a gasoline junky still, although I know it is
not right that I should be burning up the highways going from here
to there, but it is hard to kick the habit. Besides, if you try
to live the kind of life that all must some day live if humanity
is to survive, you are soon labeled an ecofreak, and respectable
people surely do not pay attention to such creatures.
Ecosystems and People
To dig a little deeper, we could look back to a period when conservation
was really effective. This was long before the word conservation
came into use and at a time when the thought that nature might become
endangered never entered a human head. In Africa, the South Seas,
most of Latin America, and Southeast Asia - throughout what we now
call the Third World - just two centuries ago most people were what
I call ecosystem people, that is they lived in communities that
were dependent upon and in harmony with their local ecosystems.
Indeed, even in North America two centuries ago most areas were
inhabited by ecosystem people. Ways of life had been developed that
were sustained over thousands of years without serious destruction
of nature. These ways of life were reinforced by religious belief
and sustained by social practice. People did not consider themselves
apart from nature. The species with which they were associated were
viewed with reverence or respect; they were not regarded as resources
or things. The result was that when people in these areas were "discovered"
by European civilization they were living in the equivalent of what
we now would call national parks. The impact of European civilization
upon these traditional cultures was totally destructive. Millions
of the indigenous people died. Thousands of societies and cultures
were totally shattered. At the same time the attack on the natural
world began and has continued to accelerate.
To compensate in part for this destructive cycle, the modern conservation
movement has come into existence in recent years. This activity
usually has its beginnings at the national governmental level, and
may or may not filter down to the people. It involves the setting
aside of protected areas, the passage of laws to protect species,
and the establishment of agencies, based usually in the capital.
People who once did a reasonable job of protecting nature on their
own are driven from the areas that are set aside for nature protection,
and naturally enough often take to poaching on the lands that they
once considered their own. It is usually a fairly brutal, insensitive
approach to conservation that take little account of the needs or
wishes of those people who ultimately will be responsible for deciding
whether the system will continue.
One wonders where we got off the track. Europeans were once ecosystem
people too. They were a part of their natural world. Writers such
as George Leonard and Lewis Mumford have traced the trouble back
to the rise of those types of civilization, in Egypt and the Middle
East, in which people and other living beings were for the first
time treated as things to be exploited. Attitudes changed from an
I/thou relationship to an I/it basis. These civilizations became
means for the material enrichment of a few in one area at the expense
of people and resources in other areas. They were not dependent
on a single ecosystem, since through political, military, or economic
pressure they could harness the people and resources of many ecosystems
to add to the material wealth of the exploiting power. In such civilizations,
you may recall, conservation of wildlife was a prerogative of the
king, who maintained his hunting preserves, and no an activity of
the many. This way of life has obviously continued and spread, in
one form or another, up to the present day. Now the dominant cultures,
far from being dependent on the resources of a single ecosystem,
can draw on the resources of the entire biosphere. They are able
to centralize wealth in a few places through exploitation of people
and resources throughout the world.
At the present time there is certainly reason to question whether
conservation can ever be anything except a trivial sideline in political/economic
systems which are geared to continued economic expansion and to
a growing consumption of material and energy resources, and have
as a central concern the enrichment of those who are in favorable
circumstances within it. The further irony is that these kinds of
biosphere-exploiting systems, and there are capitalist and socialist
varieties, apparently are following a course that cannot be sustained
and must be modified, since the continuation of present trends would
lead to exhaustion of energy and material resources, both living
and non-living. Yet, unless this modification comes relatively soon,
it will be too late for many species and perhaps for restoring man)
natural communities upon which the continuation of many possible
human ways of life would depend.
What are the ways out of this dilemma?
Ecological Responsibility and Involvement
To begin with, I believe that we must restore the sense of individual
responsibility and involvement, and get away from the idea that
conservation is the responsibility of somebody else - the federal
government, the state, the corporations, the rich. We must each
face up to the need of developing an ecologically sustainable way
of life; we need to look at our patterns of consumption and behavior
and shed those practices that contribute to the continuing destruction
of nature. This is easy to say but incredibly difficult to do in
a society which is oriented toward consumption, ever-growing material
enrichment, and waste. I certainly have not succeeded in abandoning
all my bad habits, but it is more difficult for people who have
grown up in my generation since our bad habits are mote deeply ingrained.
But without that total involvement, words become meaningless. The
rain forests of Indonesia are not being cut down because the Indonesians
have an incredible appetite for wood. The wood and other forest
products are being sold to us, to Japan, to countries in Europe
and to other developed nations. If we stop buying, the Indonesians
will stop cutting, or at least greatly reduce the rate of destruction,
and start thinking of other ways to use that land. We are not facing
a petroleum shortage because petroleum is evaporating. Stop burning
it up so fast over here and the resource may last a very long time.
How much rain forest would we save if we stopped eating bananas?
Part of the individual change that is essential is the need to
stop thinking of living beings as things to be manipulated or exploited
and recognize that they are partners in a community of fellow beings.
We must start trying to develop that "reverence for life"
that Albert Schweitzer called for long ago. When dealing with nature
we need to lose some of our much-vaunted objectivity (which is useful
only for certain purposes) and develop a greater subjectivity, empathy,
feeling. This does not mean we stop using plants or animals for
food, but it does change the approach that we have to the process
and begins to prevent gross excesses.
A third step for those who are in a position to do it, and not
everybody is, is to find like-minded people and start developing
ecologically sustainable communities, communities that can gradually
become unhooked from the waste-and-pollution-producing systems that
prevail in the society at large. In such communities one must use
the tools and technology that are now available to develop alternative
technologies offering greater promise for survival.
These are only beginnings, but they are essential beginnings. While
they are going on, other things must be happening also. Obviously
the government, the corporations, industries, and the consumer society
are still there. They have to be influenced and changed so that
the whole system begins to be turned around in ecologically sustainable
directions. Throughout the nation what is needed is an increasing
degree of local and regional self-sufficiency leading to self-sufficiency
for the nation as a whole. I am using the term self-sufficiency
in a relative sense. Total self-sufficiency would probably be pointless.
There is no need to give up trade and commerce, or to cease consumption
of things that are produced elsewhere, but there is a need to get
out of a state of dependence on the exploitation of other people,
places, and living communities.
It has been said repeatedly by the Third World countries that conservation
can only be accepted if it is part of economic development. Conservationists
have tended to agree, but we must qualify the statement by saying
that conservation is part and parcel of ecologically sustainable
development (ecodevelopment) and that is the only kind of development
worth pursuing. For the industrial world this means redevelopment
- in a sense, the redevelopment and resettlement of America. For
countries that have not yet gone too far along the European- American
path, the opportunity is available to follow a different one. They
can start now with locally based, decentralized, people-oriented,
ecologically sustainable development, which can enrich life for
all and lead to a new dynamic balance between humanity and the natural
What I have been trying to say is this: conservation of nature
cannot succeed unless we change the system and restructure society.
Conservation of nature is an integral part of ecologically sustainable
development, and from here on we must pursue ecodevelopment or redevelopment
directions as quickly as possible. None of this will happen, however,
unless there is first of all a change in the hearts and minds of
individuals - you and me. The government is not suddenly going to
become inspired to change the direction of society. We change first,
and then we can begin to influence governments.
You may say that the job is too difficult and cannot succeed, that
people are too resistant to change and unwilling to give up their
present ways of doing things. However, the ways we have been following
will not succeed, so we had just as well get started on ways that
have some hope of success. None of us can speak for other people;
we can only speak for ourselves. It may be that we cannot prevent
catastrophes from happening to people and the natural world, but
we can begin to set up survival centers so that at least those areas,
people, and other living creatures over which we can have some influence
and control have a chance of pulling through.
Finally, I must apologize to you. It has taken me a lifetime to
learn some of the things I have been saying to you. Some of the
people in this room who are 20 to 30 years younger than I learned
all of this 10 years ago. I am obviously a slow learner, but I promise
to keep trying. If I sound like a 1960's re-run, it is because that
is what I am. Everything I have recommended here is already being
done by some people, and their numbers are growing. Some of them
are in this room tonight. This is what makes it so worthwhile to
return to California.
Dasmann, Raymond F.
1975. The Conservation Alternative. New York: John Wiley &
1976. Environmental Conservation. 4th edition. New York: John Wiley
& Sons.
Leonard, George
1972. The Transformation. New York: Delacorte.
Mumford, Lewis
1970. The Myth of the Machine: The Pentagon of Power. New York:
Harcourt, Brace Jovanovich, Inc.
Rozak, Theodore
1972. Where the Wasteland Ends: Politics and Transcendence in Post-
Industrial Society. New York: Doubleday.
Schumacher, E.F.
1972. Small Is Beautiful. New York: Harper.
Introducing: Raymond F. Dasmann
Those conservationists whose contributions are wide-ranging but
incisive and constructive, invariably become world travelers and
observers nowadays. The problems they deal with have assumed global
Raymond Dasmann is such an ecological ambassador. Research and
field studies have taken him to most of the areas of major ecological
concern around the world. Dr. Dasmann is not merely a traveler in
behalf of environmental affairs, however. He has done much in his
modest and self-effacing way to pioneer and chart the course of
present-day studies.
Dr. Dasmann is a native San Franciscan who enjoys returning to
his point of origin as often as his duties permit. He received his
undergraduate and graduate degrees in Zoology from the University
of California at Berkeley.
After completion of his college studies, he served with distinction
in a number of academic posts, notably as Professor and Chairman
of the Division of Natural Resources, Humboldt State College at
Arcata, California (1964-1966). During these early years he was
selected as a Fulbright research scholar for ecological studies
at the Southern Rhodesia National Museum, and laid the groundwork
for one of his outstanding specialties, the status and management
of African wildlife.
In recognition of the breadth of his experience and knowledge of
ecological matters, he was appointed Director of Environmental Studies
and International Programs of The Conservation Foundation in Washington,
D.C. and served there from 1966 to 1970. He is now Senior Ecologist
with the International Union for Conservation of Nature and National
Resources (IUCN) with headquarters in Morges, Switzerland. He has
also served as President of the Wildlife Society.
Dr. Dasmann has published several books and more than 100 articles
on wildlife management, conservation of the environment, human ecology,
and the economic value of African wildlife. His books include African
Game Ranching (1963), Planet in Peril (1972), Ecological Principles
for Economic Development (1973), and The Conservation Alternative
(1975). His Environmental Conservation, now in its fourth edition,
is an important and widely used text in the field.
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