and the Next Renaissance
E. Max Nicholson
Berkeley, California, March 4, 1964
According to a learned German the Brahmins of India, while conceding
that it is necessary for some people to sweep the streets and others
to administer the country, are privately convinced that no civilized
man should ever sink to doing either. This a humbling thought for
those who, like myself, serve in that substitute form of street
sweeping called administration. I am grateful to be admitted here,
even for a few days, into a higher caste, and to be able (so far
as we street sweepers ever can be able) to discourse with you about
the broad horizons and the ends as well as the means of conservation.
As you will soon see, I intend to seize this opportunity to the
A Time of Rebirth
Once before there was a time when an old, stale, war-torn, and
disillusioned Western society suddenly awoke to a thrilling, confusing,
painful travail of rebirth, seeing with fresh eyes how man stands
in nature. It happened some five hundred years ago, and it was called—but
only afterwards—the Renaissance. Within about a century it
transformed and enriched everything from painting to politics, from
philosophy and literature to making goods or navigating ships. Yet
it probably seemed, to nearly all of those who lived through it,
no glorious rosy dawn but simply a time of incessant stress and
trouble, of insecurity and disintegration. They were without the
hindsight to perceive what was happening, with a rush, under their
eyes. They knew too little of historical evolution to suspect that
the very magnitude of the destruction of pre-existing values, idea-systems
and customs might stimulate a correspondingly strong drive towards
readjustment and reintegration on a new basis.
With our fuller knowledge we can appreciate that, the more sophisticated
and aware of other cultures men become, the more inevitably any
new order must reflect and pivot upon a new vision of men's place
in nature. Might there not be some parallel between those years
of strife and of the great voyages of discovery to Africa and the
Americas and these present years of strife and of the first voyages
into space and into the depths of the ocean
In those years, as in these, there arose a radical discontent with
the way men were being educated, the types who received higher education
and what they were educated for. There was a triumphant movement
towards educating whole men, of broad and deep but immediately usable
learning, able to inform them selves thoroughly and to act with
understanding and assurance in all the affairs of life.
Novel educational institutes, such as Eton or the Academy of Ferrara,
were created in the fifteenth century especially to train these
new men. The new men in turn created a new kind of society, reflecting
and responding to their hunger for new knowledge, their keenness
to demonstrate in bold action the skill and sweep of their intellectual
mastery, and their uninhibited appetite for new ways of living more
fully in the light of their new ideas of what it meant to be a man.
Yet even at this distance, when the fantastic legacy of their revolutionary
enfranchisement is fully visible, we are still apt to underrate
and misjudge its essentials on account of the many bitter and eventful
feuds and struggles by which they were superficially divided. Journalists
are not alone in their fondness for dwelling on the gory details
of a good fight, and forgetting that while the dogs bark the caravan
passes on.
The Role of Conservation
As present travelers in the caravan, can we perhaps briefly reflect
on where it is now taking us, and whether we can help it to get
to the right destination with less pain and grief? As contribution
to such reflections I propose here to outline the thesis that a
transformation of comparable magnitude and significance to the Renaissance
may now once more be in train, and that ecology and conservation
may be cast to play a big role in it. To test such a thesis it will
be necessary to look at the processes of history as we look at those
of ecology, in terms of the direction and rate and nature of energy
flow and of the cycles of building and decay which underlie seral
phases. I can only hope, at best, to indicate some of the factors
which we need to isolate and appraise in order to gain some idea,
however dim and imprecise, of where we stand in our social evolution,
and thus be able to adopt some provisional hypothesis which we can
test and confirm or discard in the light of our further experience.
Certain woodland types mature into forms which prohibit their own
regeneration, and make it inevitable that a radically different
type will rather quickly succeed their over-mature stage. It is
perhaps not too fanciful to suggest that certain dominant idea-systems
in the areas of politics, economics or religion can, through their
very successes, come to a corresponding state, when they either
decay through making impossible their own renewal or become vulnerable
to destruction from the outside. The great theological and political
idea-systems of the Middle Ages, vigorous and fertile as they initially
had been, seem to have reached this kind of situation during the
fourteenth century. The eventual fiasco of the Crusades, the chronic
and sterile feud between the Empire and the Papacy, and the resulting
disillusionment and decay of Christian unity and of clerical and
regal authority encouraged dissident movements among scholars and
artists, city merchants and schismatic religious leaders. No doubt
the tremendous shock and dislocation of the Black Death, the sufferings
of the Hundred Years War, and the fall of Constantinople opened
up the first big clearings, in which the new seed set and flourished.
In its early generations much of this new seed came from the mathematically-minded
University-forming Arab culture which penetrated the West through
the Crusades, as well as from the long-dormant hoards of Greece
and Rome (and the more recent mutants visible even in the medieval
culture itself). This seed, however, like many colonizing aliens,
needed a long period of acclimatization and genetic recombination
before it could create viable and prolific new strains. The process
was visibly stimulated and reinforced when the voyages of discovery
brought much wider physical contacts with continents other than
In our present context the salient points seem to be the aging
and discrediting of the medieval systems of thought and politics,
the external defeats of the Crusading enterprise, the Black Death,
and later the fall of Constantinople, and the brilliant and vigorous
intellectual and artistic counter-movement which grew up, notably
in Italy, where the new impacts were felt earliest and most strongly.
Had there been a C. P. Snow to chronicle the conflict of two cultures
it would have been the Latinists and classicists, now viewed as
the reactionaries, who were then the avant-garde. In contrast to
the collapse of the Roman Empire under barbarian attack, the medieval
structure was demolished from within by brilliant intellectuals
and artists who clearly analyzed and presented a dynamic, and overwhelmingly
more attractive, alternative approach. Both sides had worthy and
well thought-out concepts of what civilization should be like, and
all the material and institutional changes sprang out of, and followed
at some distance, the intellectual and moral victory of the new
humanist ideas.
For us contemporaries of Dr. Strangelove it is evidently much easier
to draw a parallel on the negative side, in the discrediting and
defeat of so many of the key ideas, values, and economic and social
aspirations of the modern Western world, than to find any parallel
among our artists to those of the High Renaissance, or among poets
and writers to those who demolished medievalism and replaced it
by the new humanism. Perhaps we may charitably assume that there
is now a brief interval between the great iconoclasts of the late
nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and a new generation of
intellectual and artistic leaders who are about to take the stage
and show the way.
We Can Learn from Ecology
Ecology, however, can lend us two relevant thoughts on this situation.
The march of ecological succession is not regular, even and uninterrupted
but, at any given time and place, it is an untidy process, complicated
by pauses and even major reversals. It is only with hindsight and
much smoothing of the record that a textbook evolution can be presented.
So it certainly was with the chequered and prolonged interplay of
new and old in the Renaissance, and so it no doubt must be in any
similar transformation.
The other thought which ecology prompts is this: decay or destruction
of the old facilitates but cannot bring about its replacement by
the appropriate successor stage. The right seed has to be there
at the right time, and the conditions have to be suitable.
This suggests one important difference in the two sets of circumstances
now before us. The medieval culture was in essence a closed system,
in that way much more like Soviet Marxism than that of the modern
West, which is conspicuously open and free of dogma. The modern
intellectual, therefore, has little to fight against on his own
ground, and nothing to defend except past victories, which have
proved empty because the managers, owners, workers, administrators
and technicians have learned to use and exploit the intellectual
when they need him and to by-pass him when they do not. Moreover,
the main enemy now is not a reactionary and well-policed system
of ideas, nor even a personal tyrant, but the vast impersonal forces
which the particular blinkers contemporary civilization has inadvertently
fitted to itself have permitted to emerge. The sacred cows of national
sovereignty, the economic free-for-all, uninhibited human reproduction,
and so forth, have grown into devouring monsters, bringing into
our midst nuclear bombs, unemployment, the population explosion,
and physical destruction or pollution of man's habitat on an appalling
scale. All these great troubles of our time have in common that
no one has willed them, and therefore no one can directly "unwill"
them. They have to be brought within the range of the human will
by an expansion and infilling of man's consciousness of his indirect
and often unsuspecting impacts on his environment, both natural
and human.
Perusal of intellectual journals confirms, what common sense would
anyway suggest, that contemporary intellectuals are hopelessly ill-equipped
to deal with a challenge to civilization from such quarters. At
a time when inspiring and creative leadership from them and from
the artists is desperately needed we seem to get less than ever
before. Freedom, and human existence itself, are threatened by the
overwhelming powers of Nothing coming out of No Man's Land—a
theme for Kafka, or William Blake, or Hieronymus Bosch. But it is
unthinkable to both our classical and our scientific cultures that
there should be anything in the world which man is incapable of
apprehending and mastering. If man is, as he certainly seems to
be, failing at this task, the reason must be that he is tackling
the problem at the wrong point and in the wrong way. It is not difficult
to find confirmation that this is so. Almost insensibly and unobserved,
the natural system of evolution has suffered from the breakaway
of a novel artificially developed rival evolutionary system based
on human society, which has quickly grown so large, and so powerful
in deliberate manipulation of natural processes, as to challenge
and even supersede natural evolution over wide areas of the earth
and varied ranges of activity.
Scorched Earth Policy Against the Future
Intent in exploiting these new powers, man is only belatedly recognizing
that his new evolutionary vehicle is as yet far from stable or well-integrated,
and that it is being directed on a collision course vis-a-vis nature.
The need to change this course, so as to harmonize the man-directed
systems with the naturally functioning systems, has only just presented
itself to us as a coherent problem. It may be said that much of
mankind has become involved in a kind of free-for-all guerilla warfare
against nature, waged by burning and other forms of destruction
familiar in such warfare. Indeed in such a continent as Latin America
today the "scorched earth" methods adopted by the Russians
to render their occupied lands useless to the German enemy are hourly
being used by the inhabitants themselves against their own future
interests in their own country. Forests of good timber are being
reduced to ashes, sources of water flow destroyed, and vast tonnages
of soil are being shifted from the upland slopes to block navigable
rivers, leaving often scars of erosion spreading where they come
from. Even important international organizations for technical and
economic aid are tacitly associated with these destructive practices.
Yet, like much guerilla warfare, this campaign is unavowed, sporadic
and elusive. To come to grips with it calls for more intelligence—in
both senses of the word—more organization and a better strategic
concept than is yet understood by conservationists.
How can we bring about a new relationship between man and his natural
and social environments? If stated this way, new possible approaches
at once suggest themselves. Human freedom to fulfill human potentialities
may now be viewed as a kind of organism which, following ecological
laws, can flourish only in a suitable habitat. That habitat is partly
physical, partly social, but at present man is rapidly impairing
and eventually destroying both. The two key requirements are therefore
for man to acquire the habit of viewing himself as flourishing,
and only being able to flourish, in a certain blended natural and
social habitat, and of defining and bringing about the essential
conditions for the existence of that habitat. Of the two main sections
of the problem, natural and social, the first is tangible, the second
intangible. The more we can define, control, and spread awareness
and understanding of the first, the more readily the right attitudes
and methods will be created for dealing with the second.
Who Is Responsible?
If this train of thought is in any way sound, its implications
for ecologists and conservationists are both important and disturbing.
No doubt the blame for the failure to get on with the new Renaissance
which we clearly need, and have some grounds to expect, can be laid
at various doors. We may attribute it to the arrogance of Man the
Conqueror of Nature and the Substitute for God, directly arising
from the pride of the Renaissance, and gathering force to this day.
Or we may attribute it to blindness and weakness in political, religious
and other leaders over such matters as acceptance of war as an instrument
of policy and refusal to face the plain implications of the population
explosion. Or we can partly explain it by the bewildering development
of urgent problems both internationally and domestically, or the
tendency of urbanization to lead to an increasingly severe physical
alienation of man from his roots in nature. It is difficult, however,
to see how we can, in the end, avoid attributing a significant share
of the blame to ecologists and conservationists themselves.
If ecology is not studied well enough, and if conservationists
are not keenly enough interested in its development, people cannot
be blamed for failing to understand its relevance or to appreciate
its importance. Unfortunately, it is difficult to deny that this
has been the case. Ecologists have failed on at least three major
issues. First, unlike better disciplined sciences, ecology still
uses different terms and standards for the same things, depending
on whether the ecologist was trained in, say, Berkeley, Montpelier
or Oslo, and there has been a serious lag in creating a firm experimental
basis for many of its hypotheses. Secondly, there has been a failure
to attract and to train adequately enough good men for the necessary
effort in teaching, study, and practice. Thirdly, ecology has so
far signally failed to demonstrate its essentiality to such key
potential users as the National Park Service, in the way that the
agricultural sciences have to agriculture, or the physical sciences
to defense and industry, or the medical sciences to doctors. Thus,
while other sciences forge ahead to a higher and more secure status,
ecology remains at once the Cinderella and the Peter Pan of the
family, always poverty-stricken, and apparently resolved never to
grow up. If we wish (as ecologists certainly do) we can find plenty
of reasons or excuses or alibis for this unenviable situation, but
this is not making the best use of our time. We would do better
to forget the alibis and simply to put our house in order.
Urgent Steps to Be Taken
Some of the most urgent steps to this end are suggested in the
International Biological Program (IBP), if ecologists will apply
themselves to realizing it. One of these is the simple need for
a universal rational system of classification of plant and animal
associations and their environment. Hitherto, sectional groups of
ecologists have championed various incomplete and often subjective
classifications, while many ecologists have looked askance at all
of them. Some classifications have, for example, been expressed
in terms of climate and of bioclimatic regions; others in form of
vegetation as it might be seen in profile (such as woodland or grassland);
and others on a basis of dominant species in associations, or of
land use, or a blend of two or more of these. Evidently we need
to apply to this problem the principles of taxonomy and to present
all the relevant factors, each at its appropriate level and in its
logical order, beginning with environment and going successively
into more detail as to what is actually seen on the ground at a
particular stage of succession on a particular site. When we have
done this we can code the different types and subdivisions numerically,
and produce data that can be sorted and analyzed in many different
ways by computer, so that any natural or seminatural or humanly
induced type of vegetation or animal life on the earth can be compared
or contrasted with others in its composition, its affinities or
evolution, and its environmental frame.
At the same time the IBP aims to measure and compare both primary
and secondary production at selected sites in order to provide a
basis for studying the comparative yields of different natural and
artificial forms of land use. In this and other ways a scientific
basis will emerge for presenting the probable effects of different
choices in relation to land use and land management. This will enable
us to assess recommended projects and policies more soundly and
critically and to avoid costly mistakes in investment or treatment.
Here we enter the area of applied ecology which we may call conservation.
Can we really feel satisfied that the current status and effectiveness
of the conservation movement is commensurate either with what is
needed or with the rather considerable effort invested in it over
the past half century? And if not, why not? Again three major faults
may be cited. First, conservation has been content with a philosophy
which appeals to and satisfies few but the converted, and which
leaves the big battalions of the unconverted too much in possession
of the strategic initiative against it. Psychologically there has
been too much reliance on sentimental appeal and on exploiting feelings
of guilt at extinctions of species, destruction of trees, creation
of dustbowls, erosion, and so forth. The positive aspect of conservation,
and its foundations in science and in the framework of civilization,
has failed to get across, partly because the rather crude propaganda
approach has been unsuitable. Secondly, at all levels of education
we have failed to demonstrate convincingly to skeptics that the
undoubted educational potential of ecology applied in conservation
has been tapped in the right form to make bright students feel drawn
to it, and future employers pay heed to it as a background training
which they like to find in their recruits to all kinds of vocations.
Thirdly, and largely in consequence of the other two, we have so
drastically failed to develop a recognized professional expertise,
standard, and common interest in conservation that many have concluded
that there is not and cannot be any such a profession. On the validity
of that conclusion I remain unconvinced. Admittedly, the main professional
role of conservation is to be part of the professional training
of such related groups as foresters, parks and wildlife managers,
land managers and regional planners. But the world needs some first-class
conservationists working as such, and it should not be beyond the
wit of man to make that demand effective, and to balance it with
a suitable supply.
What has gone wrong with the next Renaissance? Ought one to be
happening now, and if so, why isn't it? Are there basic weaknesses
still in our approach to the science of ecology, and the art and
science of conservation? If so, are these weaknesses of a type which
might partly account for an overdue Renaissance having to be posted
missing? Ought we to be sending out search parties to look for it?
New Approaches
Considering such questions in the light of the previous discussion,
it seems to me that there is a case at any rate for pursuing the
matter further. If there is anything in this argument, the responsibility
for inaction is heavy. If there is nothing in it the effort will
not have been wasted, if it only improves the performance and the
status of ecology and conservation. These things are well worth
doing on their own merits, anyway.
One new approach to this problem is to analyze all the different
human activities which have some impact on the land and to ascertain
what form this impact takes; whether it is continuous, intermittent,
or regular; whether it is local or widespread; and what we have
learned from concrete instances of its nature and of ways of cushioning,
regulating, or harnessing it. Note that this approach allows for
an impact to be "good," "bad” or "neutral,"
or any combination of the three, and emphasizes study and treatment
rather than mere condemnation.
By following such an approach we come to understand that "development"
and "conservation" are not poles apart but are two aspects
of the process of harmonizing natural systems and man-made systems
so that the interaction of the two permits the best practicable
evolution of each. Every major development agency, therefore, needs
the technical services of the modern conservationist, but every
conservation agency needs to study and understand trends and requirements
in development. Some forms of conservation activity, such as increased
water storage, contour ploughing, or landscaping are an integral
part of development projects. Others, such as management of strictly
natural areas or protection of wildlife, may appear to be remote
from development, but are actually part of the research base on
which development in its land-use aspect must depend for guidance
and information. It must increasingly become recognized as the public
duty of developers and planners only to proceed in the light of
conservation principles and guidance, but those who seek to make
a cult of conservation are doing their best to prevent this happening
and to perpetuate sterile divisions of which nature is the chief
casualty. Although there must be give-and-take between conservationists
and developers, there must still be adamant resistance to those
short-sighted developers who pursue, for indefensible reasons, preconceived
projects damaging to nature, and who are stubborn about proposing
or discussing reasonable alternative means of realizing whatever
essential purposes may be involved. Strengthened by a broader and
deeper base in natural science, and by open and conciliatory tactics,
conservation becomes better equipped to win the necessary decisive
battles against the stupid, the selfish, and the intransigent. Each
such victory helps toward fuller acceptance of conservation principles,
and a reduction of future conflicts. Time and energy are thus freed
for the more constructive tasks of studying formerly conflicting
interests and helping them to adapt their policies and practices
as a contribution to harmonizing the natural and human systems.
But at the same time conservationists, aided by ecologists, must
take a new look at nature and shake off some of the sentimental
and literary nineteenth-century attitudes which we have inherited.
Certainly we owe it to the great pioneers, such as John Muir, to
recall and respect their thoughts, but we do poor service to them,
and to nature, by assuming that these thoughts are all we need today.
The ecologist should be the most modern and deeply synthesizing
of scientists; the conservationist should equally become the most
wide-ranging and integrating of professionals concerned with the
land and its use and welfare. Only in this way can the two together
perform the service of healing the wound which will run through
our society so long as man spurns and maltreats nature.
The Needs of Today
What, then, are the needs in 1964? I would put first the working
out of a more coherent and satisfying statement of the true relation
of technological man to his environment. Delight in wilderness is
a noble and wonderful experience for the few who can be privileged
to enjoy it and are able to appreciate it. But to lowing m Thoreau's
footsteps is neither possible, nor desirable, nor desired on the
part of numberless transient refugees from modern urban civilization.
A romantic perfectionism must have its place, where true peace and
remoteness can still be preserved but those who enjoy it have the
duty also of shaping something quite different and attainable for
the many, lest we become swamped in lost hordes of minicitizens
erupting like bewildered human lemmings, from more and more megacities
Conservation must shed its amiably nostalgic image, and win by a
new realism full recognition as a serious and possibly crucial element
in the central problem of our time-the problem of human survival
and of the finding of a clear road for the further unfolding of
This is what Patriarch and the makers of the Renaissance were after.
They, too, had to appeal to living nature, including human nature,
against dead idea-systems and institutional fetters Conservation
is liable to require culling in order to prevent erosion and as
conservationists put their house in order they will be called on
to assist in the overdue culling of our civilization's degenerate
sacred cows. They must do this not as irresponsible propagandists
but as professional practitioners in land use and land management.
Moreover, they must cull their own sacred cows first of all. Only
so will they have the status to play their role. This role, however
coolly it must be played, is desperately urgent. The most that can
be saved in the world in 1965 will already be gravely less than
what we might save now if we at once make a less inadequate effort
to that end than we are currently making. We owe this to our self-respect,
and to our children's children, and to the nature whose cause our
best feelings express to us. For the world's wildlife the moment
of truth has come. Eagles expect that every man this day will do
his duty
So we complete our pilgrimage through the cosmic wilderness and
find ourselves back again to the task of street-sweeping armed,
let us hope, with a new broom and a new resolution to get the job
done, whatever the Brahmins may think. As we clear aside the clutter
we may hope to reveal the buried pavement in which can be traced
the true design of man's place in nature. Responding to this design,
as children of these new days, we will learn to reshape our ideas
and our skills in communicating them, and the techniques and organizations
which we employ in dealing with the land and its creatures. Indeed,
much is already happening in that sense. The world-wide revulsion
against thoughtless exploitation and pollution of the natural environment
is gaining impressive impetus. Organized world-wide efforts to conserve
wildlife and its habitats have begun. The International Biological
Program promises to go far in uniting and consolidating the work
of ecologists within the ambit of the life and earth sciences, and
in providing a firm base for scientific conservation. Both in North
America and in Europe scholars and technologists are getting together
to cope with the challenge of the human environment on a much wider
front than ever before. As we contemplate these projects each in
itself looks formidably large, yet against the cosmic scale by which
they must be measured, the whole lot are still very small. Let us
not be discouraged on this account. If we ask the right questions
we will sooner or later get the right answers, and they will sooner
or later prevail. But this time is terribly short, and ecology and
conservation are short-handed. What is shortest of all is leadership,
and here in Berkeley exists one of the few groups in the world that
can provide leadership in a big way. May I then conclude with a
further flight of fancy. How fine it would be if a new Renaissance
should take shape with the help of ecologists and conservationists,
and if history should record that Berkeley played in it the part
of a Florence or a Ferrara.
The International Biological Program (IBP) of the International
Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) was formally launched at the
General Assembly of ICSU at Vienna in November 1963, where it was
entrusted to a Special Committee (SCIBP), modeled on that which
recently carried through the successful International Geophysical
Year (IGY). The president of SCIBP is Dr. G. Montalend (Rome), and
its members include the conveners of the sub-commissions preparing
the various sections of the program within the general theme of
Biological Productivity and Human Welfare.
These sections cover:
Terrestrial Biological Communities
Physiology Convenor M. Florkin, Liege
Ecology Convenor H. Ellenberg, Zurich
Conservation Convenor E. M. Nicholson, London
Fresh Water Communities Convenor W. Rodhe, Uppsala
Marine Communities Convenor R. S. Glover, Edinburgh
Human Adaptability Convenor J. S. Weiner London
Public Relations and Training Convenor G. L. Stebbins, Davis
(and, in course of formation, Use and Management of Biological Resources)
Convenor E. H. Graham, Washington (provisional)
Invitations have been dispatched to National Academies of Science
to form national committees to prepare and supervise participation
in IBP by their respective countries. The Royal Society of London
established a British National Committee in January, 1964, based
on a previous provisional committee. Representatives of national
committees and scientists actively participating will meet on July
23-26, 1964, at UNESCO House Pans, to review and revise the plans.
(Further information can be obtained from F. W. G. Baker, ICSU,
2 Via Sebenico, Rome, Italy.)
The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural
Resources (IUCN) with headquarters at Merges, Switzerland, is the
recognized world body dealing with conservation, under the presidency
of Professor Francois Bourliere, Paris. It works through commissions
on Ecology (Chairman, E. H. Graham, Washington, D.C.); Education
(Chairman, L. Shaposnikov, Moscow); Survival Service (Chairman,
Peter Scott, Slimbridge); and National Parks (Chairman, H. J. Coolidge,
Washington). The Commission on Ecology is closely linked with those
within the International Union of Biological Sciences and the International
Biological Program. IUCN itself has close ties with the World Wildlife
Fund (WWF) whose international headquarters share the same building
in Morges, while national offices are active in Great Britain, the
U.S.A., Germany, and elsewhere.
Many of the projects and experiences on which this lecture is based
are described in the Annual Reports to Parliament of the Nature
Conservancy, published every December in respect of the year ended
September 30 preceding by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London.
The basis of the Nature Conservancy's combination of scientific,
conservation and administrative functions is described in the Report
of the Wildlife Special Committee, Command Paper 7122, 1947, published
by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London. A brief review of the
main features is contained in "Comparisons in Resource Management:
Six Notable Programs in other countries and their possible U.S.
application" edited by Henry Jarrett (published for Resources
for the Future, Inc. by The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1961).
The analysis of human impacts on the land is given in the proceedings
of the Study Conference on the Countryside in 1970, organized by
the Nature Conservancy in November, 1963, under the presidency of
H.R.H. The Duke of Edinburgh (and published by Her Majesty's Stationery
Office, in March, 1964). This also contains information about current
progress and thinking in Great Britain regarding the reconciliation
of conservation and development. The best perspective on the evolution
of the relations of human and natural systems is contained in Man's
Role in Changing the Face of the Earth, edited by William L. Thomas
(University of Chicago Press, 1956), and in the Ecology of Invasions
by Animals and Plants, by Charles Eiton (Methuen, London, 1958).
Much important recent North American thinking on the application
of ecology in conservation has been focused in private symposia,
results of which have in some cases not been published. Two valuable
sources available are The Suburban Forest, Bulletin 652, Conneticut
Agricultural ExpenmentStation, edited by J. D. Ovington (United
Printing Services Inc. New Haven Connecticut, 1962), and Resources,
the Metropolis, and the Land-Grant University Proceedings of the
Conference on Natural Resources, January-May, 1963, edited by A.
J. W. Scheffey (Publication 410, Cooperative Extension Service,
College of Agriculture, University of Massachusetts). (A more comprehensive
symposium for 1965 is currently being prepared by the Conservation
Foundation under the Chairmanship of Frank Darling.)
The reflections regarding possible parallels between the Renaissance
and the present-day have been stimulated by works on the history
and paintings of the Renaissance too numerous to mention, supplemented
by reference to writings of some of the leading contemporaries who
placed on record the kind of aims they had in mind
Finally acknowledgement must be made to the second Horace M. Albnght
lecture by Dr. Marston Bates, who has himself provided further references
to his stimulating discussion of the Human Environment.
10th March, 1964.
Introducing: Edward Max Nicholson
RATIONAL CONSERVATION of natural resources requires both research
to help us understand how nature works, and conscious management
to insure that we work with nature instead of against it. To put
this concept effectively to work presents a challenge to the breadth
of the scientist and to the skill of the administrator. Edward Max
Nicholson, Director-General of the British Nature Conservancy, has
for many years occupied a position of leadership in the demonstration
of how this challenge might be met on a practical basis.
Mr. Nicholson was born in Ireland of English parents and was educated
at Hertford College, Oxford, where he read history. But his interest
in nature had already been established and much of his time while
in the University was devoted to organizing biological expeditions
to Greenland and South America, to a national census of heronries,
and to work in bird ecology and populations. During the i93o's he
was largely responsible for running a social and economic research
organization known as Political and Economic Planning. He was also
first Secretary of the British Trust for Ornithology.
During World War II Mr. Nicholson was Head of the Allocation of
Tonnage Division of the Ministry of War Transport. In that capacity
he attended the Cairo, Quebec, Yalta, and Potsdam conferences and
followed up in action resulting decisions affecting shipping. From
1945 to 1952 he was Secretary of the Office of the Lord President
of the Council and he represented his Government on the Council
which organized the 1951 Festival of Britain. Since 1948 he has
served as a member of the Government's Advisory Council on Scientific
Policy. Mr. Nicholson became a charter member of the official Nature
Conservancy in 1949, after having served under Dr. Julian Huxley
on the committee which drew up plans for Conservation of Nature
in England and Wales. After serving as Leader of a Joint U.N./F.A.O.
Economic Development Survey Team in Baluchistan, he was appointed
Director-General of the Nature Conservancy in 1952. Under his leadership
the Nature Conservancy has grown into an important and unique organization
conducting and sponsoring research, owning and managing more than
one hundred National Nature Reserves, and carrying on extensive
informational and educational functions. Cooperating in these endeavors
with many other national and international groups the Nature Conservancy
may be thought of not so much as a body which does conservation
but as a body which enables and encourages it to be done.
In addition to his responsibilities as Director-General, Mr Nicholson
has served as Senior Editor of British Birds, held office in leading
ornithological societies, and been a Trustee of The Observer newspaper.
In 1963 he was awarded the John C. Phillips Medal of the International
Union for Conservation of Nature. He is the author of numerous books,
articles, and scientific papers. As an active contributor to scientific
inquiry and as one who has added meaning to the very concept of
conservation, Mr. Nicholson brings to his 1964 Albright Lecture
an unrivalled breadth of experience.
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