Rangeland Water Quality Conference

February 23 & 24, 2005
Heidrick Ag History Center, 1962 Hays Lane, Woodland CA 95776



Increase knowledge of rangeland water quality issues in California, including management approaches and strategies for implementation.

Conference Flyer (PDF)


  1. Dissemination of new and critical key reference materials to participants.
  2. Provide web-based extension of water quality presentations.
  3. Enhanced understanding of issues and science related to rangeland water quality.

Topic areas will involve a number of presenters with an opportunity for question and answer session at the end of each topic.

Participants will receive 10 Continuing Education Units from the Society for Range Management

For more registration information regarding the conference, please contact Joni Rippee at 510-642-0095 or rippee@nature.berkeley.edu


Anyone addressing water quality issues on rangelands including land owners/managers, resource management professionals, agency personnel, researchers and educators.


February 23, 2005

9:00 - 10:00 Registration

Moderator: Bill Frost, University of California Cooperative Extension

10:00 - 10:30

The Role of Rangeland Water Quality in a Growing State - Bill Stewart
California Department of Forestry

10:30 - 11:00

Rangelands & Regulations: Taking Care of Business - Glenda Humiston
University of California, Berkeley

11:00 - 12:00

Addressing Concerns of Microbial Water Quality on California Rangeland - Rob Atwill
University of California, Cooperative Extension, Davis Campus
Microbial pathogens excreted by livestock and potentially transmitted to humans through water - Rob Atwill
Waterborne pathogens in Agricultural Watersheds - Rob Atwill
Beneficial management practices for reducing waterborne zoonotic pathogens
attributable to animal agriculture
- Rob Atwill
Environmental Loading Rates of the Waterborne Pathogenic Protozoa Cryptosporidium parvum in Certain Domestic and Wildlife Species in California - Rob Atwill

Noon -1:30 Lunch

Moderator: Barbara Allen-Diaz, University of California, Berkeley

1:30 - 2:30

Focusing Efforts to Sediment Delivery Sites - David Lewis
University of California, Cooperative Extension, Sonoma County
- Cattle grazing has varying impacts on stream-channel erosion in oak woodlands - Melvin R. George, et. al. (References)
- Transparency tube provides reliable water-quality measurements - Randy Dahlgren et. al.

Historical Land Use Effects on Sediment Flux Recorded in Floodplain Sediment - Gregory Pasternack
University of California, Davis, Hydrology

2:30 - 3:30

Spring-fed Wetlands: A Critical Transition Zone Between Annual Grassland and Aquatic Ecosystems - Randy Jackson
University of Wisconsin, Madison

Effects of Altered Rainfall on Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in Annual Grasslands - Wendy Chou
University of California, Berkeley

3:30 - 4:00 Break


Associations Between Stream Temperature, Air Temperature, Stream Canopy, Streamflow, and Watershed Position on Rangeland Watersheds -
Ken Tate
University of California, Davis, Dept. of Plant Sciences
- Graphical Analysis of Monitoring Data to Evaluate Stream Temperature - Ken Tate
- Statistical Analysis of Monitoring Data to Evaluate Stream Temperature - Ken Tate

Fish Responses to Temperature in California Rangeland Streams - Lisa Thompson
University of California, Davis, Wildlife, Fish & Conservation Biology

5:20 pm Adjourn

February 24

Moderator: Joseph Furnish, USDA Forest Service

8:00 - 9:00

Integrity of Aquatic Life in Response to Rangeland Stream Disturbances: Dependence on Habitat Setting - David Herbst
UC Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Lab & UC Santa Barbara

It's Not Just the Water! Riparian Bird Habitat Considerations in the Context of Watershed Quality Improvements - Sacha Heath
Point Reyes Bird Observatory Conservation Science
Development of a Bird Integrity Index: Using Bird Assemblages as Indicators of Riparian Condition

9:00 - 9:30

Water, Savannas & Rangelands in California: Today and Tomorrow - Dennis Baldocchi
University of California, Berkeley

9:30 - 10:00 Break

10:00 - 11:30

Article of interest
Control of nitrogen export from watershed by headwater streams - B. Peterson

Revegetation of Riparian Areas - David Lewis
University of California Cooperative Extension .
In Riparian ecosystems and buffers: Multi-scale structure, function, and management - M. Lennox

Managing Nutrients and Pathogens with Buffer Strips - Rob Atwill
University of California Cooperative Extension
Efficacy of Vegetated Buffer Strips for Retaining Cryptosporidium parvum - Ken Tate
Using nitrogen-15 to quantify vegetative buffer effectiveness for sequestering nitrogen in runoff - A. Bedard-Haughn
Transport of Cryptosporidium parvum oocystes through vegetated buffer strips and estimated filtration efficiency - Rob Atwill

Residual Dry Matter Management - Bill Frost
University of California Cooperative Extension
California guidelines for residual dry matter (RDM) management on coastal and foothill annual rangelands - J.W. Bartolome

Stubble Height - David Lile
University of California Cooperative Extension
Stubble height standards for Sierra Nevada meadows can be difficult to meet - David Lile
Stubble height as a tool for management of riparian areas - W.P Clary

Managing Herd Movement Around Riparian Areas - Theresa Ward
University of California Cooperative Extension
A Cross-sectional survey of California's grazed rangeland riparian areas. - Theresa Ward

Grazing Spring-Fed Wetlands - Barbara Allen-Diaz
University of California, Berkeley
Long-term grazing study in spring-fed wetlands reveals management tradeoffs - Barbara Allen-Diaz

Manipulating Cattle Distributions - Mel George
University of California Cooperative Extension
Mechanisms that result in large herbivore grazing distribution patterns - D.W. Bailey

Livestock Impacts Publication - Sheila Barry
University of California Cooperative Extension

11:30 - 12:00
University of California, Cooperative Extension, Davis Campus
Rangeland Watershed Program Publications - Mel George

12:20 - Adjourn


University of California – Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
United States Forest Service – Region 5
Bureau of Land Management
Natural Resource Conservation Service
California Pacific Section, Society for Range Management


Bill Frost – wefrost@ucdavis.edu
Jim Shackelford – jshackelford@fs.fed.us
Mel George – mrgeorge@ucdavis.edu
Ken Tate – kwtate@ucdavis.edu
Morgan Doran – mpdoran@ucdavis.edu
Barbara Allen-Diaz – ballen@nature.berkeley.edu
Lenore Thomas – Lenore_thomas@ca.blm.gov
Jon.Gustafson – jon.gustafson@ca.usda.gov
Rob Atwill – ratwill@vmtrc.ucdavis.edu
Joseph Furnish – jfurnish01@fs.fed.us
David Lewis – djllewis@ucdavis.edu

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